So it is probably buried in one of the threads somewhere, but my preliminary search did not unearth it.
Is the "meet and greet/info for the week" time scheduled yet?
Post#624 in case the link doesn't work
As I just get to my office this morning at Mandalay bay and turn my computer on and the first thing I see is the web cam at the cruise ship port in Cozumel, it's raining there this morning which reminds me of my first Cozumel trip last summer, in which it rained every day, my first thought was this is going to be miserable, and the boat ride to the first dive spot was not exactly pleasurable with the rain pelting you as we cruised along at 30 mph. However my first step off the back of the boat into my first salt water dive was so exciting, as we gently descended to around 50 feet, I can remember that I could here the rain hitting the surface of the water and I immediately went into relaxation mode, what a life changing experience , my first saltwater dive and I'm drift diving in Cozumel, holy ****. Which brings me to my next trip to Cozumel just this January and the reason for this reply with the cardzrds quote, the first night there we naturally have several drinks, the next morning around 4am, I am awakened to the what sounds like a goddam school bell clanging, and I am now pissed because my head is ringing also from the night before, well I get up out of bed and go to the window to see what it was, you guessed it, they are delivering tanks to shops all up and down the Main Street, well ok so I go to from being pissed to excited about going diving again, but do they have to be so noisy!!!,
LOL, as I sit here thinking about Cozumel, I look forward to meeting new friends and dive buddy's, and the total relaxation of a drift dive, and yes even the dam clanging of the tanks as there offloaded from the back of the truck, brings back good memories and the excitement of new ones, and new friends of course.
SEE YOU THERE, I can't wait.
never rains down bellow

which reminds me of a dive in Grand Cayman, IIRC, it was raining cats and dogs on the way to the dive site, so bad that it almost hurt lol, it was so dark that it felt more like a nigh dive