SCUBA Show Long Beach

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With June gloom in high gear this weekend, I spend it at the SCUBA show in Long Beach. Yesterday just walking the floor, some more of that today before I helped out at the Northern Diver booth.

Rebreathers had a pretty good showing. Bubbleseekers of Woodland Hills attended with a CCR 2000 and an Azimuth. The latter was mounted to an OMS harness, the former the first time I've seen one in a few years. They replaced the Inconel spheres with DOT-approved steel ones (less than half the $$$), made a few other mods, and brought the price down from ober $18k to just below ten grand.:rolleyes: The rig still has the integrated deco computer, in a display that also shows the two sphere pressures and one off-board tank (the original one had three spheres for O2, air and heliox (or 2x air), they dropped one of them and added an off-board plug). They had inteded to bring a Megalodon, but couldn't. I did get, however, an invitation to check it out in the pool in a month or so, and will report back on that.:D

Scuba Schools of America had two Inspirations, a Hammerhead and several Dolphins in their booth, ANDI next door another Azi and Dolphin, as well as a MK15 with digital electronics. First time I saw the HH, very nice craftsmanship.

Malibu Divers had a Prism Topaz in their booth, with the current cover and Heads-Down-Display. Still like the analog secondary a lot. Having it (almost) side-by-side the other RBs, it IS a pretty compact package.

Halcyon had an RB80 displayed, and wins hands down for the best display setup. The unit was mounted on a custom stand that allowed it to be turned 360 degrees, which made it perfectly easy to check out. Both the scrubber cannister and the box the counterlung sits in were transparent, giving a nice view of the inside. The new tank-mounting hardware is nicely done, too.

Patrick Duffy of Oxycheq had all of his goodies there, analysers, gas switching hardware & swivels, ADV, new BC bladders, HS Explorers and plenty of other goodies. Jeff Bozanic was at his booth, signing books (they're available there, among other places).

Tamara Thomsen was there, with two VR3s mounted to a T-bar, one each Inspiration, Dräger and O2 test adapter and her personal unit (with dives in the log). A bunch of brochures, business cards and small posters, she definitely had the easiest to set-up and packing of the show. She's DeltaP Technologies lone US employee, and will help Kevin Gurr with the US distribution/market. Anyone who has a VR3 from OMS, or is intrested in that computer can get in touch with her at or at 608-347-2822.

Finally Nick Eickhorn (sp?) brought his annual display of diving history, including several RBs. Among them the Russian IDA164 O2CCR with twin absorbent cannisters and IDA59 Submarine Escape unit.

Even my "boss" for the afternoon, Peter Dan Haan, is a SCR/CCR instructor, so I din't have a dull moment.:D But my feet still hurt ... :rolleyes:

Edited: About that IDA164, seems the tag was wrong, it's just a 64. And the twin scrubber wasn't one either. Here Janwillem's explanation after I send him the pics
(link below:) ):
Something els is that the rebreather does not have two scrubbers, but only has one. The other cartridge has KO2 inside. KO2 is a extremely dangerous product used by the russian to fabricate oxygen in the rebreather itself. One of the extreme smart things about this product is that it binds along a chemical way the CO2 produced by the diver. Together with moisture (H2O) the chemical produces oxygen! It is a exothermic reaction. Side effect is that the chemical gets extremely hot and burns through steel when it gets in contact with tomuch water.
First time I've ever heard of that. Pretty amazing, though it seems to need some work.
I went also, it was interesting seeing Olympic Submarine's CCR2000. Unfortunately they didn't have the computers with it to drool over. In talking to the guy whose name escapes me at that booth and some others at other bootsh, it was nice in that the tribalism that sometiems peaks out on boards was gone, and all seemed to enjoy talking with fellow closed circuit rebreather divers.

That one booth where the guy stands up towards the east and hocks the freebie stuff is really irritating though.....made too much for a carnival atmosphere....

I know Long Beach is a local show but I preferred DEMA in Vegas.

The best news though was the VR3 booth because she said the wirepless p02 version will be ready in August. Now THAt will be cool, I hate cords and crap dangling.
DrySuitDave once bubbled...
Unfortunately they didn't have the computers with it to drool over.
They did bring and hook it up on Sunday. It's solidly build, has four rows of display, both numbers and letters. The usual divecomputer readouts on top, cylinder pressures, 3 cell readouts, setpoint, all there. During set-up asks for calibration etc.. Very easy to drool over ... probably still dripping.
What eluded me is that they said a secondary display or computer is optional. Computer okay, but no secondary readout? NOT good. I'd want one of Steammachine's analog ones ... .
DrySuitDave once bubbled...
In talking to the guy whose name escapes me at that booth and some others at other bootsh, it was nice in that the tribalism that sometiems peaks out on boards was gone, and all seemed to enjoy talking with fellow closed circuit rebreather divers.
There were a bunch of people at the booth, but they were likely Tomar Gross from Bubbleseekers and IANTD's Mike Lockwood from Washington.
DrySuitDave once bubbled...
I know Long Beach is a local show but I preferred DEMA in Vegas.
Sure it is. If you can get in. Lots of people don't.
DrySuitDave once bubbled...
best news though was the VR3 booth because she said the wirepless p02 version will be ready in August. Now THAt will be cool, I hate cords and crap dangling.
That's why I posted Tamy's contact info.

Addited: Link to some show pictures :D
JW was kind enough to post some pictures of the show on his website.
I didn't ask about upgrading VR3's.

As to DEMA, gee, that took me the better part of 2 minutes to crash. I did it by telling the security guard that I was delivering a cell phone to a booth where he had lost it.

There isn't many places I can't crash.....funniest thing is as an adult, they expect more of you to not behave like a kid........big mistake....

But in fairness to manufactuers, I didn't go to DEMA to find out dealer pricing, I don't care what they pay, LDS's make too little money in my opinion...I just wanted to see new toys as I set my credit card limit to the stun setting.....and I did give Jans some good CCR photos for his site....

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