So far no one has mentioned a very very popular diving disaster in the making..
None other than then the "larger" than life lifeguards of Baywatch!
Come on.. ever notice that they are called to a diving accident and instead of suiting up (most of the time) they grab pony bottles and head down to whatever depth is required to "save the day"
Case in point.. There was one episode where Mitch's ex-wife and kid are trapped on a plane that crashed and went under water.. (how convienent)
Well the lifeguards dove down and got into the plane, handed the survivors pony bottles and dragged them out.
If i weren't a diver, and was trapped underwater, in a plane, with a bottle that only had a few breaths in it, do really think I would remember to exhale on the way up, take slow deep breaths?
What about water pressure?? shouldn't of that been a factor?
Not only that.. They routinely save people close to shore, and they will dive underwater near the breakers, but yet the water is always clear and full of sea life.
A large majority of the beaches where this is supposed to take place are just sand for the first 200-300 yards out.
Its a great show if you want frolicing beach bunnies, but other than that, its hardly realistic.