SCUBA Luau Report

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Austin, TX
# of dives
500 - 999
We have a contender for an EXCELLENT get-together target for next year. I've jsut returned home from the SCUBA Luau at Barstows/Windy Point - And I had a GREAT time!

There were probably 200-300 divers there, a treasure hunt, a navigation contest, FOOD & DRINK, Hula Dancers and a steel drum band. I didn't win anything of note, but fed well & met with a lot of friends.

Specific to SCUBABoard - I met MightySCUBA and had a fun dive with him [and Lee, a friend from my rescue class]. Sadly, MightyDiver didn't show, but Oh well..... Brad was quite patient with me, got a pickup dive buddy for the treasure hunt, then waited patiently until I degassed a bit from the class I was DMing for the fun dive.

I had come early for the second day of an OW class. Nothing too special to report there, except for that there's four new OW divers out there now - and they did real well.
Well - that's not quite right - with a couple hundred divers out there, it was quite busy underwater. That's OK with me as I'm used to not seeing much in Travis, especially around a class. BUT, there's a few out there that have forgotten their boyancy skills - I had to bodyblock a #$%^& that was making like a rock right on top of one of my more petite female students !!!!!!

After class, our site had grown by 4 of the OHS staff and ~3 students so we had a nice group. Lots of BS and good times!

We should try this next year!
Thanks for the report. Sounds like a good time.
I hope it gets planned for next year. Maybe David and I will be able to come!
Hey Larry....did we miss seeing you hula dance? :D Maybe we can make a good Scubaboard showing next year.
but it wouldn't have been any different had you been there! :D

I basically hung around chatting while degassing, until I was convinced taht all the folks that wanted fun dives had got a shot - then I was tempted by some great fruit punch [or was it Manhatten Ice Tea] that was being passed around [I was actually tempted well before, but NOT until the diving is done] - Happily, or perhaps sadly, there was not enough of that left to get me into Hula mode.

I don't know what part of Texas your in. I lived in San ANtonio for seven years. I thought that they had it mis-spelled, should have been the state of Taxe's. I enjoyed diving the Pecos at belmerhea, a 2 acre crystal clear spring on I-10 about 185 miles East of the New Mex border.

I live in Florida about 7 miles from Vortex springs. They normally have a Luau each years and a big event with a pig roast on the 4th July weekend.
Hi Kris,
Yes indeed - I live just 60 miles up the road in Austin and the Luau was at Lake Travis.

Balmorhea: Yes - I love it - BUT - I do my spring diving at Aquarena, which is every bit as clear, slightly larger and 160 miles closer!

Yes - I was very surprized when I moved her from CA, thinking "No Property Taxes - Great!" - then found my tax load higher!!!!! No matter, the job makes up for it!

I hit central FL on occaision - will try to look you up an try this Vortex thing!
at least that I found. But then, as per the above, I didn't spend lots of time exploring every nook and vendors tent....

The meal was roast pig & chicken, with rolls, chutney and an array of the standard sandwich fixens - lots of fruit and some roasted vegtables - nothing spectacular - but good! - - Desert - Cookies & fudge - I had to move away quickly after that!

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