Scuba in Costa Rica?

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Vancouver, BC
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50 - 99
Two of my friends and I are planning a trip down to CR for one week at the end of August as one last bash before class starts up again. We'd really like to get some good scuba in, so I'm curious as to what CR has to offer?

Keep in mind we're all relatively new to scuba and won't be traveling with our gear; I've clocked 9 dives, one of my friends 8, and the other maybe one or two while on a trip to Mexico (myself and my other friend are OW certified from Canada). I'd like something relatively shallow but at the same time not touristy, and in an area that has some killer biodiversity. I've spent a lot of time snorkeling in Hawaii, so I'm not new to (or weary of) tropical underwater environments. :D
The Pacific side of Costa Rica is spectacular. Caribbean side, not so much. Stay on the west coast and you'll love the diving, and if you can get out by Cocos/Galapagos Islands, you'll have an even more unique experience (e.g. hammerheads, interesting marine life).
Hi Thrillhouse,
I suggest the Ocotal Beach Resort to do your diving through. Website:
I live here in Ocotal and I now know how great and not so great some of the dive centers are in the area. In all of Costa Rica, Playas del Coco and Ocotal have the best dive sites and the highest consentration of dive shops. I love diving with Ocotal Resort and you can rent all of your equipment there. I currently use their stuff and have never had any problems. The people are very nice, the boats are very nice and well equiped and I highly highly recommend them!
Cocos Island would be awesome as AzAtty said, but the island is a three day boat trip away and costs a fortune. It is also more for advanced divers I'd say.
(it is on my life's "to do list" though, for sure!)

If you do decide to dive with the Ocotal Resort, you don't need to stay there of course. There are many different places to stay for all different price ranges.

Pura Vida!
Hola Thrillhouse! I just returned from a month in CR (taking Spanish classes and diving)....and I HIGHLY recommend Aqua Center based in Playa Flamingo (they are located in the Flamingo Marina Resort). I got my advanced certification there, and also dove with them about 12 times over the month. Their boats and equipment were top notch, the instructors were all wonderful and professional, and they rarely send you out with more than 4 or 6 divers per instructor. The dive sites (ie Catalina) are only about 20 minutes away from Flamingo, instead of an hour from other places. The viz is hit or miss in the Pacific off CR; one day we would have about 6 feet viz, other days about 40.....but on my final day, we saw 6 white tip sharks, a manta ray, 30 barracuda, and about 30 eagle rays. It was incredible! You will encounter some currents, but nothing too crazy, and some cold thermoclines too. The town of Flamingo itself is small and mellow, with a few options for bars and restaurants; but it's not the party scene like Tamarindo. If you go, tell Eduardo and Annie (the owners of Aqua Center) that Stacy sent you! If you'd like more info, PM me and I can give you more specifics.
We are going to Costa Rica at the end of July, staying at Flamingo Beach Resort, diving with Aqua Center. They have been very helpful about scheduling the diving and other tours for us. I contacted several dive shops and they were the only one I felt were willing to work with me and reply to my questions in a timely manner.

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