Scuba Fashion?

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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone,
All my dive gears are pretty much Pink in color. Because, I used to T/A a scuba class at the local dive shop, and when we take students out for check out dive, most noticeable color is Pink, in bad visiblity. I have nothing against, blue, and black color equipment. But, due to the dive condition where we at. I think it is the safetest color out there. Besides, yellow and neon green. All our divemaster have pretty much the same color.


I had one dive where I surfaced with a different buddy than I submerged with. So did my original buddy.

After that I went and bought some rubber paint (white and yellow) and painted my name on the forehead of my hood. I painted my initials on my fins and put color bands on my snorkle. Yes we all dove with snorkels in those days. I put the words "left" and "right" on my gloves.

After that I often got comments from buddies on how easy it was to know that I was me and keep track.

It is good to be able to recognize your buddy in the water both from the front and back.
own style. Some are more distracting than others, of course. If pink fins do it for you, then that's great. I personally, am not a 'girlie girl' and that kind of gear is not my style.

I see that same type of thing at the gym. Women all decked out in pink and purple work out clothes, with long pink fingernails and big bleached hair.

I usually try to stay a few machines over to avoid the blinding glow. It's safer that way. LOL :D
Great discussion everyone. Thanks for making me see both sides to this topic.:Peace:
Well, I'm black head to toe in my cave kit and almost black head to toe in my OW kit (yellow hose & orange gloves). My buddy looks identical to me simply because we have the same taste. I have no problem picking him out whatsoever....he's the one that looks like me, is geared like me, and swims like me and vice versa. We do fine.
... I use colors so that I never have to worry about my buddy losing me, and the same for him. I have yellow fins and hoses, and part of my wetsuit is a really dark purple. Buddy has blue fins and green hoses. However, I can honestly say that I have never bought anything because it was "cute", it was mostly for safety purposes. Just my 0.02 cents anyway! :D

Hoya97 once bubbled...
The only thing I object to is that line of wet suits for women that look like someone went nuts in the paint room. Can't remember the name, but the suits are stupid (IMO) looking.
The 'Jackson Pollock' look. Yeah, it's fine as art, but on a wetsuit...not so much.;)
Kayla once bubbled...
... I use colors so that I never have to worry about my buddy losing me, and the same for him. I have yellow fins and hoses, and part of my wetsuit is a really dark purple. Buddy has blue fins and green hoses. However, I can honestly say that I have never bought anything because it was "cute", it was mostly for safety purposes. Just my 0.02 cents anyway! :D


With Kayla, normally my buddy and I are clamped together by holding hands (really romantic, and he is my boyfriend!!) But should he feel the need to let go, I know I can pick him out by his yellow fins and yellow flashes on his wetsuit!! Very handy when youre at a busy dive site!! And you know that nobody looks like they do above water when they're under water with their mask on right!?
I have the Oceanic Purple Isla BC, purple fins, Sea Quest mask with purple lens, and a "Grapes of Wrath" dive skin from
She make suits to fit up to 300lbs. (My brother in law wears the army looking one)

Can you say, " Violet you're turning Violet? " LoL

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