Scuba Diving kidnapers

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Hello all,

Did anyone hear on the news this morning about a man who claimed to have been kidnaped by two guys wearing scuba equiptment. I was getting ready for work and heard some blurb about it but didn't hear all the details. Think I heard something about that they wanted him to do something or help them blow something up. They were s'posed to be in scuba gear when they tried to grab this guy for whatever there purpose. Some how I just can't picture a couple of guys with wetsuits, tanks and fins being able to chase anyone down or forceing them to do anything.

Not to make light of this, but this incident sounds like a sketch I think I saw once on an episode of Monty Python. :D
hoover once bubbled...
"And now for something completely different?"

That's EXACTLY what I mean...:D
Yea I know its something completely different but I heard it just not all the details. I searched for info on some of the local news webs sites but couldn't find any more details. I have a hard time believing that any one would dress in scuba gear to go kidnap someone, doesn't make since. Thats why I was wondering if anyone else heard this. This reminded me of uncle pugs post awhile back about killer dolphins guarding the navy ships. Could be I'm watching the SCI-FI chanel to much.

Beast mentioned last night about seeing it on TV. He thinks he was watching CNN and something about it scrolled across the bottom of the screen. It didn't appear again so he didn't get the whole thing....just scuba divers kidnapping someone!
See someone else heard it so that says I'm not crazy and just hearing things

Beast mentioned last night about seeing it on TV. He thinks he was watching CNN and something about it scrolled across the bottom of the screen. It didn't appear again so he didn't get the whole thing....just scuba divers kidnapping someone!

I have also checked online at CNN and MSNBC but haven't been able to find out any more on it. It would be nice if someone who heard the whole thing or fouind it online and copyed the link.


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