Originally posted by Murdock325
Seems to me like you're all talking about a perfect world where instructors drill the knowledge in to you as you listen closely, ask lots of questions and participate actively in the course. And all of your classmates have read the material carefully, answered all the questions in the book and watched the videos prior to the first class....
Yeah, right...
Reality is pretty much the opposite in my experience anyway. I can't believe some people in my class passed the first part of the course. They obviously and admittedly didn't read the book or go through the materials, and to be honest with you, wasted the rest of the classes time that could have been spent on more valuable issues instead of explaining why you shouldn't hold your breath underwater. Which by the way is explained about 10 times throughout the book. I am not trying to be harsh, but this is reality. I honestly believe I could have gotten 99% of what I got out of the class by doing this online course.
Sorry for the negativity, be lets face it... we don't live in a perfect world.
So, because new divers don't want to do any work, the industry should devise programs that cater to them??? how about, if you don't do the work, you don't get a c-card...