This is pretty much it in a nutshell. One adjusted properly, a fixed bolt snap on the tow cord basically leaves you in cruise control mode with regard to depth or directional changes (depending on whether your cord is set up vertically or horizontally.)Its popular with the cave divers diving the big harley scooters, e.g. 26Ah & standard Gavins. The fixed towcord (in my limited experience with them) allows for a more relaxed grip on the handle and a more consistent straight line pull. I suspect (but not sure about this) that its also preferred due to the unbalanced drag of multiple bottles.
I asked over on GUE forums just for giggles.
The downside is that when maneuvering, the tow strap cannot slide inside the bolt snap so when making large corrections, you are having to place/remove tension from one side of the cord or the other and that takes a lot more effort.
So it really depends what you want to do with the scooter. Mile long cruises in OW or in large passages argue for a fixed bolt snap and shorter trips where you will manuever more argue for a free sliding bolt snap.
The improved scooterbatic potential of an X-scooter over a Gavin would make free sliding bolt snap a good idea on the X-scooter and vice versa.
Personally, I like the freesliding bolt snap both for maneuverability and for the capability of easily changing the lenght of the cord without having to manually reposition the bolt snap.