Scented or Unscented

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Derry, nh
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100 - 199
I have been asking people and reading posts. People have different opinions and I am looking for some clarity. Does scented baby powder harm the seals on my drysuit. Is there anyone that uses scented powder?
The manual that came with my drysuit (Bare) said not to use scented talc. So I don't use it. I buy the unscented stuff that comes in the porous baggie that I rub on the seals. Makes less of a mess than dumping a big things of scented powder all over everyone on the deck of the boat.

Other divers on the charters use scented. Its up to you.
I have been asking people and reading posts. People have different opinions and I am looking for some clarity. Does scented baby powder harm the seals on my drysuit. Is there anyone that uses scented powder?

You really don't want to use scented baby powder on your latex seals. Use unscented talc that you can get from your LDS, as anything with scent will destroy your seals in short order. They start to get sticky and seem to be melting. You can also use KY Jelly or Seal Save or a little bit of unscented dish soap mixed with water or seal eas. After shave and such will also destroy seals, if exposed to it often enough.
I buy the unscented stuff that comes in the porous baggie that I rub on the seals.

What's this porous baggie and where did you get it? I've been looking for something like this.
The porous baggie that hex92 is talking about is just like a cheese cloth bag that is sewen closed with talc inside it. You should be able to buy one at your LDS. Bare makes them, so does Viking and I would imagine that most all of the other suit manufacturers out there do too.
I've heard not to use Baby Powder for the seals on Dry suits....I've not been doing long JUST ABOUT EVERY DAY FOR THE LAST 6YEARS! The only thing that's happened to the cuffs is that they are snagged at work on the job once a year or two. The cuffs and neck dams are very tough and they have never had a meltdown EVER. I dove in 2002 over 977hours and in 2003 866.underwater working hours, and in 2004 only 970total hours that year. I used Baby powder on each dive! I don't believe that the meltdown is because of the Powder. Just what I've observed over the last few years. Before useing Baby Powder I use Liquid Dish soap with or without any additives. That works well getting the hands through but did after a couple of months with 4-6 dives in a day, my wrists became a little red. I changed to Baby Shampoo and that worked just fine.
I switched to the Baby Powder for that Baby fresh smell..........Bill
What's this porous baggie and where did you get it? I've been looking for something like this.

McNett's makes a talc bag that typically sells for about $3.00 at just about any LDS.

Or ... you can make your own. Just take an old sock (one without holes in it), pour some talc (or baby powder) into it, and use a rubber band to tie it off. Voila ... and it's refillable.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I read somewhere others use cornstarch.

Would sunblock also fall under the "keep away" list for latext? Would be a pain for my neck and wrists...
I read somewhere others use cornstarch.

Would sunblock also fall under the "keep away" list for latext? Would be a pain for my neck and wrists...

I've got a really pragmatic view about sunblock and latex - regardless of the 'real' answer.

Latex - replaceable. My skin - not. Sunblock wins.
I have a friend that always uses baby powder, and she does about 125 or 150 dives each year. She never seems to have a problem.

On the other hand, all of the manufacturers say not to use it. The guy that I send my suits to for repair (probably most people in Florida send theirs to him) suggested using Balkamp Tire Repair Talc Powder because it is plain talc without additives.

You can get this as any Napa Auto Center though they might not keep it in the store, and you might have to order it and wait a few days for it to arrive. The Napa part number is 7651339. $5.99 for 16 ounces. Make sure you bring the part number with you to the store; I have had problems when I just asked for the brand.

I then put this into a small plastic Rubbermaid salt shaker that comes with a snap on top. I open the top, shove it inside my seal, shake a bit on, and its so cheap that even if I waste some, I don't care.

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