OK after reading quite a few post regarding scallops on the board I have to have more info. I found this blurb on a site selling Nantucket Bay Scallops.
Blurb: Weather permitting, F2M also offers Giant Live-in-the-Shell Sea Scallops. Intrepid S.C.U.B.A. divers work the coves and inlets of the New England coast where fishing boats fear to travel and harvest these nearly Frisbee-sized Live Sea scallops-in-the-shell. Prized by Oriental and European kitchens for centuries, their unparalleled flavor is startlingly delicious.
OK now is it just me or is there really frisbee sized scallops out there to be scooped up by S.C.U.B.A Divers. I've been in a few coves and inlets but no frisbee sized scallops have yet to appear. Of course if my frisbee scallop skills are like my lobster skills we're having chicken anyway.
Blurb: Weather permitting, F2M also offers Giant Live-in-the-Shell Sea Scallops. Intrepid S.C.U.B.A. divers work the coves and inlets of the New England coast where fishing boats fear to travel and harvest these nearly Frisbee-sized Live Sea scallops-in-the-shell. Prized by Oriental and European kitchens for centuries, their unparalleled flavor is startlingly delicious.
OK now is it just me or is there really frisbee sized scallops out there to be scooped up by S.C.U.B.A Divers. I've been in a few coves and inlets but no frisbee sized scallops have yet to appear. Of course if my frisbee scallop skills are like my lobster skills we're having chicken anyway.