Saturna Island

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Reaction score
British Columbia
# of dives
25 - 49
After typeing a long review and i left my computer for sometime when i came back and clicked post it loged me out and deleted my message after it took me a long time to write my review:11doh: so anyways here it is agian ...

I went to saturna island this weekend and got 3 dives in

Dive 1 60 ft

Rockfish, Crabs, Starfish, Beroes Comb Jelly, Purple Red and Green Sea Urchins, and the highlight of the dive a really nice hidden between two rocks was a big sea pen

Dive 2 35 ft

Giant Pacific cockle, crabs, more sea urchin (they were as far as you could see and every were) tons of baby starfish, ling cod, orange greenaling, orange and purple anemone

Dive 3 50 ft (diffrent part of the island near sea lions)

Spiny Brittle star, purple oarnge and sunflower starfish, and the best thing we saw was a wierd bowl shaped sheel (two of them put together with a hole in the middle) shell.. it also had bumps nicely laided out around it we wernt sure what it was and couldnt find it in anybook it was the size of two fist combined so it was very large and leaked out some brown watter when we moved it to see if it was garbage or not as at frist we though someone droped a bowl in the watter..

the watter temp was 46 we did all of the dives in a wetsuit the vis was at least 20 ft or more

there is no dive shop on the island so if you want to dive it make sure you bring plenty of tanks and you might want too rent a beach house so you get easy acess to the watter even if you dont dive there is alot too see as its winter its colder but there are still seals sea lions and plenty of deer and birds to see..
i was diveing off the boat lanch on my uncels house.. and its not rocky side its the other one with the park thats the whole small island..

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