Santa Monica Pier Underwater Clean Up Dive - Sept 20th

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Yorba Linda, CA
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50 - 99
Santa Monica Pier Underwater Clean-up dive Sept-20th

Hey all, I found this today and I'm going to volunteer. I'm sure it's not just me, but I get kinda sick and tired of seeing all the garbage and damaged life underwater every weekend. Be sure to check out the required steps on the website above, this is through eco dive center.

September 20th is the Annual Coastal Clean-Up Day at the Santa Monica Pier. Join us to help clean the beach and underwater. We are meeting at 7:30am at the first life-guard tower north of the pier (tower 1550). All are welcome to join in the clean-up efforts. Divers!... please remember to bring your cert card, proof of DAN Insurance and a collection bag. We will be documenting our findings and reporting them to Heal The Bay after the dive.

Coastal Cleanup Day has grown into a huge annual event. The one-day cleanup is international, over 90 nations participated last year—and may be the largest volunteer day on the planet so don't miss out!
Coastal Cleanup Day involves divers, schools, community and company volunteer groups. Volunteers in LA County typically collect tens of thousands of pounds of trash from the beaches and underwater. By filling out the trash "data cards" during the cleanup, volunteers are helping to identify and stop future polluters.
I did a couple of the semi-annual pier clean up dives up in Edmonds, and it was awesome! Our dive club was the only authorized divers allowed at the pier, and only during specific weekends. We shut down half the pier at a time and had safety observers every few feet. And retrievers with lines and hooks on the end to pull up the baskets full of stuff we found.

Must be very careful though because of the amount of hooks and lots of fishing line/nets in the water in the dive areas. Very dangerous, always (ALWAYS) have a trusted dive buddy within arms reach! Bring surgical scissors too, not dive knife. Scissors cut the line better.

I'm not sure I'll be able to make this one, but I will definitely get to the next one!

The amount of stuff we were able to bring back up too made lots of money for the dive club too! During/after the dives, all the goodies were separated and put into piles and sold back to the fishermen (fisher-folk? :D ) for a tidy profit! These paid for our Christmas parties several years running! So much cool stuff to be found! Knives, flashlights, phones/pagers, even found a rifle once (really bad shape!)

I may be able to get down there to help out anyway, if they need anybody.


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