Santa is a Stroke

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Relocated to South Florida....
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Who knew....

But he is. I didn’t hear this from some suspect source, or read it on some flame-throwing internet chart board – I have eyewitness, first hand confirmation.

I met the old guy this weekend in Monterey. The first thing that caught my eye was his exposure suit. It was a bit unconventional. I mean, it’s red – and that’s OK. Lots of people wear red exposure suits - JJ and mini-me (our own O-ring) among many others. I will hand it to Santa – he did opt for the extreme Cave Cut – I don’t think suit drag will be an issue. Good thing he got the CF200 (although the shoulder entry must be a pain) and the suit has a little stretch going - a couple of more Santa Snacks and he’s likely to bust a zipper.

That said, I told St. Nick he needs to mix in a salad and get on the elliptical. No way dude is gonna make a 200 or 300 yard surface swim to the drop point. That bowl-full-of-jelly nonsense needs to change. We should get this guy hooked up with some of our own ScubaBoard fitness members and whip him into shape.

He was also wearing a very high volume mask. I told him he should put a low volume two window mask on his own list. I also mentioned that some people (even in this enlightened age) still consider it a distress signal to have your mask perched on your forehead. He said, “oh yeah, check THIS twice….” Not sure what he meant. Can anyone assist there?

More good news for Cringle – he’s sticking with his stiff, small blade fins. At first, I thought maybe he liked the precision control they offered when he’s doing a helicopter turn or a back kick. After further consideration, I really think there’s just no way he can motor his ample butt through the water column with a pair of splits. Whatever the case, at least he’s not given into popular convention and is stickling with the classics. He needs to reconsider his color choices, but whatever. The guy is a walking Rule 6 violation.

His hood is essentially worthless. It’s an entanglement hazard of the highest order.

His gloves are pretty high-viz. I surmise he’s doing instruction now and this allows him to get the attention of his Students in the impaired viz the local Monterey waters often offer up. That or he has a teal-green tropical suit he wears to Coz and just put the wrong gloves in his bag this day.

I tried to get him to join Jaye and me on the Monterey Express this weekend. But he said he was “busy.” I wasn’t buying it. When we met he was hanging on Cannery Row, just flexin’ for the chicks. How can you be too busy to dive? It was a glorious weekend in Monterey. After we spoke for about 20 minutes, and after I ran him through the pre-dive gauntlet of buddy questions (experience, equipment, attitude, etc.) I’m glad he didn’t make the dive. Dude is a complete stroke. He just stares off with his wild beady eyes. He's creeping me out. No way am I diving with this guy.

Yep...I'm thinking its time to option 1 the old fat guy
Heh. Too much cookies and milk methinks. :D
very funny!
Hey Ken,

Since you are also a musician, you could come up with some Stroke Santa song adaptations. Adaptations of all your holiday favorites, lyrics like:

Stroke-a-Claus Is Coming to Town

I'm Dreaming of a Stroke Christmas

Silver Bells, On my reg, Let's look like strokes in the city

Santa Got Run Over By a Big Bus

Rudolph the Stroke-Hauling Reindeer

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth and my bungied wing of death

Deck the Halls with pony bottles

My HUB won't kill me
Pa rum pum pum pum
The salesman told me
Pa rum pum pum pum

I can't even imagine the twelve items we could come up with for the Twelve Days of Strokedom. :D

GUE could even sell a CD on their website with these new songs sung by George Irvine III. If they make it into a DVD he can sing it in his speedos wearing a Santa hat with "STROKE" embroidered on it. :wink:


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