Salvo Rocks

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Reaction score
The heart of Merica
# of dives
500 - 999
Kudo's to Salvo Dive Equipment and to the owner in particular. THANKS BARRY! Living in Europe and 200 km from the nearest store that handles his lights I called several times to ask questions. I had never seen his HID's and so I had many questions. To make a short story long, Barry and his people helped me through it all and when I finally decided to buy they had my 21W light in the mail the same day! Of course UPS to this part of the world stinks bad but that isn't Barry's fault.

Got the light today and cannot wait to get it in the water, hopefully tomorrow. Check out his new web page at

Wouldn't you know it now he is offering a 35w HID :confused:

Anyway, thanks again Barry and crew,
:D :D :D
Happy customer

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