Salvo - June 2013

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200 - 499
For my In-Law's 40th Anniversary, we are renting a house in Salvo in early June of 2013. I have been promised I could sneak away to dive. My wife and I are both SSI Master Divers but most of our experience is the Caribbean and local lakes and quarries. The videos and such from OBX dives I have seen look awesome but everyone seems to be wearing doubles. I have no issues with going deep, but I really don't want a 20 mile boat ride for a 5-10 minute dive in the recreational limits. How is the diving for us single tank non-tech divers? Any recommendations? My goal is to see fish specifically sand tiger sharks.

As a side thought, if I wanted to take a Intro to Tech class while I was there like Advanced Nitrox and rent any additional gear I needed for it, any dive shop on the OBX you would recommend.

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