Salvo Diving--KUDOS

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Oahu, Hawaii
Not sure I can put this here, but I will anyways. I just have to throw out a huge KUDOS to Salvo Diving. I contacted Corey a couple of weeks ago about my 21W HID Can Light. It didn't seem to want to fire anymore (it's aging..I was expecting it sooner or later...never had an issue in 12 Months). After trying the DIY route I finally gave up and sent it back to Salvo. Come to find out, they fixed it (ballast issue) and sent it back to me (I just had the UPS man hand the box to me). My cost....ZERO. They fixed it under warranty (I expected to be paying 400 bucks or so). Better yet the same day they received it they fixed it and sent it back out!

Just simply..WOW! Customer service at its best.

Thanks SALVO, best light I have ever owned!

Sherman Johns

PS: I am in no way affiliated with Salvo
I forgot to mention that I had a problem with one of my Rat lights by Salvo and had the same great customer service that Sherman experienced. They'll continue to get my business in the future.
I too just had a great experience with Salvo. My baby 10 watt HID died and they fixed it no questions asked. The great customer service I had heard about is definitely true!

Now I am the proud owner of a 21 watt Havoc also.
Yeah, after about 400 dives, my Salvo wouldn't fire. I sent it back to them and also asked that they shorten the cord for me. It was shipped back 2 days after they got it, and arrived . . . with NO invoice!

The lights rock, and the customer service is amazing. Why would anybody buy anything else?
another shout out to battery charger started acting up one month out of warranty and they shipped me another one no charge...great company, great service...

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