Engineering wise burst disks are a lot more complex than the first look at them indicates. Failure mode can be single shear, bending or, inthe example of the H2 disks used onthe Space Shuttle main tank, a combination of bending, shear and cutting. Disks are rated at the max failure point, not the minimum, but generally that is within a 10 or 20% of full scale range. Tis is also why a faied disk has the requirement of eplacing both the disk and the plug. In the process of failing the disk "rollls the edge" of the plug changing failure mode form shear to bending, and raising the failure point by a significant amount,
Corrosion and re-using a disk after removal for inspection are two of the common causes of "low pressure" failure. (if the disk is removed and replaced the shear points will NOT line up, creating a secondary failure line.) Overtorquing a burst disk during installation is another way to cause premature failure. MOst specs only call for tightening the disk plug to 4 to 8 INCH-pounds to prohibit early failure of the disk.
Age can also cause some downward creep to the failure point. I have seen unmaintained disks fail due to simply leaving the tank out in the sun, and having a tank let go next to you while taking a nap during a SI will "start your heart" in nothing flat!
OTOH If the valve is rebuilt every time a hydro is performed, including replacing the disk, most divers will never have a disk fail, and _I've_ never seen one fail underwater. While it may be _possible_ to fail one there, I have never seen one, or even heard of one, fail underwater except in the urban legend category.
Keep in mind that the disk is there to protect firefighters, not as a safety function for the "normal operation" of the tank. This is why Aluminum tanks should be stored full or "empty" (50-200PSI). If stored between 1500 and 2500 psi it's possible for the tank wall to fail from thermal damage before the burst disk goes.