Do say, well I be, do tell. The fact is I have tried to order items from Japan before with little luck, not just photo items, not just scuba items but a variety of products. It can be very difficult and language is the least of it.
I may already have spoken to certain persons, their opinions of the situation are mixed.
As to English vs Japanese, the Inon America website was very useful because it laid out the various systems and even recommended compatible products. I find no equivalent web page, in English, Japanese or German or Russian.
"Hysterical," I am not the OP. If Inon goes away, good riddance, a niche will then open to be filled by another company. If a market exists, somebody will fill it, hopefully with a Oly 4/3s system slr. There is always something new and better and hopefully much smaller around the bend.
Y'all have a good day, or not.
You are not hysterical....just not stating facts....and no need to get so pissy about it. Inon is not going away....just Inon America. If Inon America was importing the gear then distributing it to the Dealers; and now the dealers will be importing them direct....sounds like the products may be a little less expensive now. The only difference I see is that you will not be able to buy from Inon US, which didn't save you any money anyway.
Any dealer worth a hoot will be able to recommend systems and comparable products. Since Dealers represent many mfgrs., the recommendations may be less expensive. E-mail one of them (or call) if you have the need. I believe all of the US dealers speak English

IMHO, there is NO comparable optically fired strobe on the market today. I use Z240's and have owned Z220's and D2000's. I can afford any strobe on the market and have chosen Inons for their size and bang for their size.
My $0.02