RSS questions

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Unfortunately I don't think I can easily search "RSS".

I'm new to using feeds, so apologies for the really basic questions.

1. When you subscribe to a feed, is it equivalent to "New Posts"? Is it a list of the xx most recently updated threads on the site?

2. In the readers I'm using, whenever a thread pops to the top, the feed only shows the original post, even if there have been dozens of replies since. Is there a way to have the feed show the latest post in a thread when the feed is updated?

RSS is forum specific.

Only public forums (that can be read as a guest) have a RSS feed.

Is it a list of the xx most recently updated threads in a public forum? Yes.

AFAIK, there's no way to list the most recent post in the feed, it's thread-based.
Thanks El, that the info I was looking for :)

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