Rock Divers 8/27-8/28 Report

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Reaction score
Tallahassee, FL
# of dives
500 - 999
Had alot of fun in Huntsville this weekend. After working in New Orleans Wednesday and Thursday I met up with my friends back home(Robertsdale, AL) and we headed to Tuscalosa to meet up with some buddies and went to a handfull of bars before crashing. The next morning we headed up to Madison to get in a dive or two before the quarry closed.

We managed one 45+ min dive before having to pack our gear up and vacate. The dive was fun lots of junk has been sunk on-site for you to discover/explore(most of it had a bouy on the surface to locate). Lots of large catfish, coi, carp, striped bass(?), freshwater jellyfish, and nice sized bream as well. That day we found some boats, the F4, the S10 w/trailer, some fuel cells, the ever-popular minuteman rocket, and the bridge. Visibility was about 10-15' in the areas we swam around and I think we were the only divers onsite(there were some sunbathers/swimmers). Finishing up we headed to Huntsville for food and found a couple of bars before heading back to Rock Divers to set-up tent and crash out again. Bright and early the next morning we had our camping gear packed up and signed in for our next day for the opening at 8am. There were already more than a half-dozen cars in the lot and more on the way.

Visibility on the 2 dives we made Saturday ranged from 5-20' depending on location. We visited the house boat, several fishing boats, a cabin cruiser(Roy), the school bus, some 'V' shaped deal, and more fuel cells before resurfacing and swimming back to the dive platform. 2nd dive brought us to a piece of the space station, the rock crusher, F4 phantom again, more fishing boats, another long fuel cell, the 'V' shaped thingy again, and the fire engine.

By the end of the 2nd dive it was storming so we didn't do a 3rd and opted to pack up and go back home. All in all we had a blast. There is still more we'd like to see and will be back up there eventually to see what else we can get into.

I have about 20 pics from the dives @ notice the "Dive Wagon". 4 people + 6 tanks + 4 dive bags + 4 clothes bags + 4 sleeping bags + 4 chairs + 2 tents = not much room in a 4 door civic hatch :)

Met Ed(divemasterTDI) as he floated his own personal little island over to the front dive platform. Looks like they had quite a turn out for their BBQ but by the end of our 2nd dive we could see their tents flying around from the wind - LOL. We'll probably go visit SammyTs next time.

Here's the pic I promised you Ed :)
Man that wind was something else, I was on one of the training platforms with a class and looked up and you could see the wind on the water was bad so I surfaced, only to see my canopy upside down and broken ($100.00gone) a another canopy gone out of sight and my girlfriend, daughter and a couple of guys holding down the last canopy (it survived) and my island grew wings and flew about 50 yards away even though it was anchored down with a three pound weight.
So the wind cut my 1st day dive short, I had to get out and help hold stuff down but my second was wonderful and the night dive was wonderful, even if it got cut a little short by one guy not having a full tank to start.
We're doing it again Oct. 23th thats their next night dive.
Matt I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselfs hope I see ya'll up here again sometime. :scubadive
No doubt we'll be back up there, with any luck, we may even time it correctly with a night dive there - I think it would be pretty fun with all the goodies they have sunk/anchored all over that place :D
Water temps?

Sounds like they have a lot of stuff there.... Do they have maps w/ compass bearings so you can go from item to item relatively directly, or do you just get an overall feel for the layout & then dive and explore?

Thanks for the info....Sounds like it'd be worth a trip from Nashville.

They have a map, no compass bearings, but its not hard to find specific items.

Water temps on top were in the mid 80s and mid 70s at depth(deepest I hit was 47', I could have probably hit 50' if I wanted to hug the bottom and eat silt).
Excellent. Thanks for the info.

thanks for the trip report.. me and my dive buddy are planning to head up there the last weekend in Sep.
might have to plan a trip back for the underwater pumpkin carving contest too
No prob.

The pumpking carving contest looks like fun, judging from the pics on their site. :)
The pumpkin carving contest is Oct 23rd and is also Rock divers last night dive of the season, I think they will do night dives anytime they have a group of more than ten divers

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