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Decatur, Alabama
# of dives
50 - 99
Hey Everyone, We'll be on a late December cruise and looking for the best dive excursions. One of our destinations is Roatan and our cruise offers a shark feeding dive at 50 fsw. Not really what we'd like to do at a premier location. Please submit your recommendations for a dive operator and "must dive" location(s) in Roatan.
I agree. We were in Roatan in August/September -- we did the shark dive once and there was little action; tried a second time but the operator had overbooked and left us standing on the dock in favor of his fellow Italians. A safe dive, and fun if you like the shark action, but nothing but a chumming and the operator was unprofessional.

Where will your ship be docked? If you will be in the vicinity of French Harbour, I highly recommend Subway Watersports. In West End, we had a good experience with Native Sons.

You should post this query on the Central & South America board -- there are several people there who have made multiple trips to Roatan and you'll certainly get a lot of advice.

Well had the opposite experience as pigletfish. We dove with Sergio and had a great dive. 18 sharks showed up, we got to get up and swim with them prior to the feeding. He did mention in Aug-Sept the sharks move to deeper water because it gets too warm. Check the shark thread in the General Discussion section, on page 3 I posted some pics
I have enjoyed the shark dive... but for what it was.

Can't beat SubWay at French Harbour Yacht Club for a great day-dive op.
How has the continental service been? full planes? reliable?

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