Roatan Flights

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What is the fastest Airline route from West Coast to Roatan? Best I've found so far is 15+ hours, they all seem to leave US from Houston or airports further East.
Depends on the day and airline. Most airlines only fly on certain days and some only one flight a week
We are about to leave for Roatan from Reno. We typically end up spending the night halfway--Dallas for example. It's never an easy trip unfortunately.
I am making my 4th trip to Roatan in Jan from Denver. I can leave at about 5:00 AM, change planes in Houston, and get to Roatan the same day. Instead I am leaving Denver early Friday evening, overnight in Houston, and get into Roatan early Sat afternoon. This is my normal route.
We used to live in LA, back then we used to take the red eye to Miami and then on to Roatan in the morning using American Airlines. This chart showing airlines and what days they fly to Roatan might be handy :-


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