Roatan flights----need help on costs......

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diver 85

Reaction score
SW Louisiana
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Let me preface something here----our next trip to Roatan will be #27 since '94--------anyway, we sold our house on Roatan earlier this year but the wife & I want to 'go back' for a week this coming spring & visit from old friends @ BIBR & AKR(it's been almost 2 years since last trip).....#$%&@#$ flight rates are HIGH ie over 650 it looks like out of Houston.......Anyone getting better rates/are we missing something??---Our old carriers are very high right now, please help this coonass out ...TIA

EDIT:......What really kicks me is knowing what it used to be(less than 400 pp) and knowing what fares are to Cozumel(315 pp thru late spring this year).....I smell a rat & it's spelled T-A-C-A...Ask what happened to Sol Air???---let's just say TACA took care of that situation ---along with Sasha & Tan Sasha...
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You're flying Taca?

It doesn't matter who----leaving out of N.O. or Houston.....once flew Sol Air there-remember that one??...., whoever had the lowest prices----& usually it was TACA---
I did Roatan twice this year and the price difference was astounding.
First during Holy Week....$500. flat round trip per person.
Again in August....$700. per person Round trip.

If you plan well enough in advance, you can get airfare for around $600. on Taca.
If your not against taking a ferry you can always fly into La Ceiba and ferry it from there. I know for me when I went to Utila it came out almost 300 dollars cheaper.
If your not against taking a ferry you can always fly into La Ceiba and ferry it from there. I know for me when I went to Utila it came out almost 300 dollars cheaper.

Thanks but I ain't taking that ferry----it sinks
I was planning to do COCO View this spring but flights were so high I booked Bonaire instead. Almost $300 each person less.

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