Roatan Dive Trip Report

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Reaction score
Maryland, USA
# of dives
100 - 199
We just got back from a week at Anthony's Key. Everyone had a great week and everything both above and below the water were fantastic. Two items deserve mention. Two of our group had to bow out at the very last minute. The resort is letting them use their week any time in the next year. Very cool. And when a dry front blew in heavy seas mid week the resort moved all the boats to their sister resort, Maya Key, on the south side of the island. A 15 minute bus ride each morning had us diving Mary's Place and other nice sites in calm seas. On the third day we did two drift dives west of the airport and hooked back around West End to the resort. After that we were on the north side and five minutes from great diving for the rest of the trip.

What was the water temp like? My wife and I are going the first of Feb, and I'm trying to decide if I need to bring a wetsuit. I usually dive the Caribbean in just a skin.
What was the water temp like? My wife and I are going the first of Feb, and I'm trying to decide if I need to bring a wetsuit. I usually dive the Caribbean in just a skin.
I'll check my computer when I get home for specifics but I remember them being in the mid to high 70's. As described we had a strong front come down from the north and that generated a few pockets of colder water. Air temp was in the high 70's to the mid 80's by weeks end. We were cooler on the boat than in the water on some days. You didn't say who you were diving with but most of the boats I saw were open layouts with little protection from the wind while underway. After the first day we were all bringing outer layers to wear while moving about.

In the water we had one guy in a shorty and skin with no complaints. I wore a 1.5 mm wetsuit the entire week and my buddy was in a 3 mm. Mind the coral - a few people ended up with rashes on their hands and wrists, most likely from brushing up against something in the water.

If you get to dive the Odyssey, a wreck on the north side at 100-110 feet, the 6' green moray is very friendly and mostly toothless. He came right up out of his hole and played around with us for most of our bottom time.

I'll check the temps and post again if I was significantly off.

AKR has a great customer-focus, IMO. Loved diving with them and would go back in a heartbeat. Nice to know that you had a great week staying out of the blizzard and diving the warm clear waters of Roatan!
We certainly enjoyed our stay and I hope you and the wife have a great time as well. I don't know how cold it gets in Smyrna, but Roatan certainly beats the weather in Baltimore.

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