Rich Coast Diving, Playas del Coco, Costa Rica

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Hi everyone,

I will be starting an internship at Rich Coast Diving in Playas del Coco, Costa Rica soon. Could anyone tell me what the diving over there is like, or does anyone even know the people at Rich Coast Diving?

Thanx in advance!
We dove there in Nov. 04. Playas del Coco was a nice enough place to hang out. There is a descent grocery store in town. The banking system is okay - we had a hard time getting cash. The beaches are brown sand due to all of the run off. Venture down the coast while you are there to Tamarindo good surfing but also loggerhead turtles come in Nov to lay eggs.

The diving is good fun not really a place for coral more rocky. Do two the run off you can expect okay viz (50') but lots of critters. The water temps for us were around 78 degreee. A 4/3 suit worked well enough. The Bats and Cats were more diverse than the local dives but not by much. I found a frog fish on our last dive.

We found that the way Rich Coast ran their on water operation pretty agreeable but the previous owner was not so good on the office side.

Finally take some time and see the rest of Costa Rica while there. The Lonely Planet is a good travel book.
Okay, that sounds nice.
I just know that Rich Coast Diving was run by an American girl named Jessica up 'till december 2005, and then she sold it to a Dutch couple, Martin and Brenda van Gestel. The told me they were able to buy it because this Jessica wasn't able to handle the office work.....
It looks like they are handling everything a little better: they say they are the biggest diveshop in Playas del Coco.

So, has anyone been diving with Martin and Brenda in Playas del Coco, or been to Rich Coast Diving since december 2005?
I have been to PDC but did not dive with Rich Coast.

The diving is good, vis is hit or miss, the town is alot of fun, and its a great area and country with uncountable natural wonders above and below the water. The ppl are very friendly and welcoming. I have heard good things about the new owners at rich coast.
I dove with Martin and Brenda this past March and they were all great. I actually did my Discovery dive with them and I have been heads first in diving since. They have some great DMs and instructors as well. Mauricio was my instructor and he was fantastic. Believe it or not they guy that taught my AOW class in Belize used to work there and he had nothing but great things to say.

I would also echo what the others said and enjoy CR while you are there. I have been all over the world and Costa Rica is one of my favs. You will be very close to Nicaragua as well so check it out while you can. There is suppose to be decent diving in the Corn Islands (fresh water bull sharks!) and there is incredible surf up the coast from San Juan del Sur.

Good luck! I am envious :)
the freshwater bull sharks are in Lake Nicaragua, interior of the country

The corn islands are 40 miles off the caribbean coast, and I dont think there are any fresh water bulls there!
Woops, my bad. I thought the corn islands were the ones in the middle of the lake around the volcanoes. Nevermind.
Ometempe is the island in the middle of Lake N, has two volcanoes on it.

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