Sad news indeed. Have to agree with Nadwidny that speculation doesn't do anything but piss people off. If theres anything to learn from I'm sure it will be forthcoming when the investigation has been completed.
Unfortunately, that seems to rarely be the case, unless a local Underwater Council or similar organization (or DAN) spearheads the effort. Ontario's underwater council produces annual reports, and I remember seeing something similar from BC or Alberta written over a decade ago, but those kinds of investigations take a lot of time and concentrated effort -- Often volunteer run organizations don't have the people, time, resources, or access to detailed enough information to do that kind of analysis, and publish it. Investigating police agencies rarely release detailed enough information, as can be seen by going through all the incidents in the history of this forum...
That leaves little else when there's a vacuum of information. Hopefully someone can provide facts so that we can learn from these tragedies, otherwise it's left to speculation. Speculation without substance is useless, IMHO, but trying to interpret what is represented in the often technically poorly written articles to try and glean a lesson is only natural.
The trick is that tact is required when presenting an interpretation of the article, just as tact is required when rebutting that interpretation. -- Otherwise it just turns into another internet tough guy fight, and lessons that could be learned are lost.