Reservations in advance? - Coz dive ops.

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WA State, USA
# of dives
50 - 99
It just occurred to me that I may need to be more organized than usual. When we were just in Los Cabos we didn't need reservations to dive, but Coz is so popular, I wonder if I need to plan each dive before we even get there?
Hi squarepants,
Reservations might be a good idea, depending on the time of year.
On my last trip to Coz (Aug '01), I "booked online", and eventually got all the dives I wanted. Even booking a few weeks in advance, I wound up on a "waiting list" for one two tank dive.
Other folks at the hotel, who tried to schedule diving after they arrived, said they were not so lucky.
I'd say it's worth it to book in advance, if you can "pay as you go".
I might be less inclined if I had to "pay in full in advance".
I'd definitely hate to miss out on any dives while in Coz.

good luck, and enjoy your trip.
..might as well try to eliminate as many kinks in your vacation plans as possible.

We've always emailed them in advance our dive plans, experience and the date of our last dive. The shops we've used have always required a credit card # to reserve our place on the dive boat, but they don't charge us until we get down there. They've always told us that there is an extra charge if we pay for our dives by credit card, so we pay in cash when we arrive.

One time when we went down there, our plane landed late and we were in a mad dash to get to the dive shop for the afternoon dives. Because we emailed them our plans and told them in advance that we were gonna try to make the afternoon dives, they decided to hold up the boat for fifteen minutes to wait on us (although, we had told them in our email, if we didn't get there in time we didn't expect them wait on us). We got there about 10 minutes late and made the dive by the skin on our teeth. I though that was awfully nice of them to do for us, and made sure to tell them so.

If we hadn't emailed them our arrival times and our dive plans, they wouldn't have waited, and there would be 2 less dives logged in my logbook.... Yeah, letting them know your coming definately has its advantages.
squarepants once bubbled...
It just occurred to me that I may need to be more organized than usual. When we were just in Los Cabos we didn't need reservations to dive, but Coz is so popular, I wonder if I need to plan each dive before we even get there?

It depends on who you are diving with and what time of year you go, I think. I usually go in May, and I just email the dive shop I go with (Cozumel Equalizers) when I will be there, and then I go by the shop the first evening and set up the first couple of dives. I "play it by ear" (I'm usually with a mixed crowd of divers and fisherpeople - I'm both) from there, letting the shop know a day or two in advance when I want to dive, and I never have had a problem.
Just got back from Coz and we called a couple weeks in advance and reserved our spot on our fast boat for the morning dives. We played afternoon dives by ear and told the dive shop after our second morning dive that we would be going on an afternoon dive. We dove through Aqua Safari and loved them.

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