Reporte tiburon toro

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phantom divers

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Estimados amigos por medio de este forum quiero mantenerlos al tanto de lo que ha sucedido y lo que esta sucediendo entorno al buceo con tiburones toro aca en playa del carmen mexico.
Todos sabemos de los acontecimientos en dias pasados del ecocidio que sufrio este polo vacacional y sobre todo esta magnifica especie que por ya varios años atraia mas gente y que por culpa de intereses personales de una persona estubo a punto de acabar con esta actividad, sin embargo despues de varios intentos, busquedas y buceos por todo el area de playa del carmen queremos informarles que afortunadamente ya varios tiburones se han acercado y han enpezado a comer de la mano de nuevo y ahunque la mayoria son tiburones hembras nuevas ellas tambien han estado muy interesadas y han empezado a interactuar con nosotros.
Con respecto al feeding tambien queriamos mencionar el tema ya que tambien ha existido mucha polemica al respecto.El feeding es una actividad que hemos estado realizando y se ha ido desarrollando y perfeccionando con el tiempo mucha gente esta en contra y nosotros respetamos sus opiniones y criticas pero si miramos hacia atras podemos mencionar y nos sentimos orgullosos de decir que fuimos nosotros los primeros tanto en realizar como promover el buceo con tiburones y toda esa gente incongruente en contra y que muchos de ellos no tienen ni la mas minima idea de como hacer un buceo con estos animales ahi estan cada vez que nosotros vamos y estan esperando a que nosotros entremos al agua para asi ellos disfrutar del espectaculo que nosotros hacemos es una pena realmente que exista gente como esta nosotros estamos concientes de que tambien hay mucha gente que respeta nuestro trabajo lo cual se les agradece...Los tiburones no son de nosotros ni tampoco estamos pidiendo que no vallan pero si que sean un poco profesionales y respeten nuestro trabajo como nosotros respetamos el suyo.
Muchas gracias por haberse tomado el tiempo de leer este informe ojala tomen conciencia de la cituacion y vamos a preservar esta hermosa especie ya que depende de nosotros y nosotros de ellos...
Saludos cordiales de parte de todo el staff de phantom divers
Considered friendly by means of this forum I want to maintain them abreast of which it has happened and what this happening surroundings to the diving to sharks bull beach breadfruit of carmen Mexico. All we know of the events in last days of ecocidio that sufrio this vacacional pole and mainly this superb species that by or several years atraia but people and that because of personal interests of a person estubo on the verge of ending this activity, nevertheless after several attempts, search and divings by all the beach area of carmen we want to inform to them that luckyly or several sharks have approached and enpezado to eat again of the hand and ahunque the majority is sharks females new they also been very has interested and begun to interact with us. With respect to feeding also queriamos to mention the subject since also much polemic has existed on the matter. Feeding is an activity that there are been realising and it has been developed and perfecting with time much people this against and we respected their opinions and criticisms but we watched backwards we can mention and we felt proud to say that we were them first as much in realising as to against promote the diving with sharks and all that incongruous people and who many of them do not have nor but the minimal idea of how to make a diving with these animal they estan there whenever we go and estan hoping that we enter the water therefore they to enjoy the spectacle that we do pain is one really that exists people like this we we are conscientious of which also there is much people who respect our work which does not thank for… the sharks to them are not of us nor we are asking either who do not fence but that they are a little professional and they respect our work as we respected his. Thank you very much by to have taken the time to read this report hopefully they take brings back to consciousness of cituacion and we are going to preserve this beautiful species since it depends on us and we of them… Warm greetings from all the staff of phantom divers
Dear Phantom Divers,

If you could explain to me, please, how hand feeding sharks is beneficial to them than maybe I can understand more clearly why it is you are doing this. It would seem that the sharks become to associated people with food and this certainly isn't a pro. These are wild animals. You state that this beautiful species depends on us? How ? Please explain this me because I have no respect for your dive ship nor what you do.

I did an observation dive in Playa del Carmen on Thursday of this week. We had no food. We sat still in the sand for 30 minutes and simply observed 10 to 12 species. I was completely awe inspired by their beauty and by their gentleness and their curiosity of us. I do feel very lucky to have witnessed this...but also saddened to see the shark with the fishing hook lodged in its mouth.

Again, I simply ask, what are the benefits from handing feeding. I'd really like to understand your motivations for doing this rather than just observing them.

Thank you,

Dear Vanessa
Thank you very much for your comment.We appreciate your taking the time to ask questions as only through education can we understand any subject.For this reason, here at phantom we are proud of the time and energy we have invested in learning as much as possible about bullsharks.
With respect to the sharks depending on humans:
As soon as humans learn that sharks are not "man-eating machines" an image unfortunately too often portrayed in movies and the media,we begin to protect them and prevent over fishing - a problem you observed for yourself with the shark with a hook in its mouth. Sharks are essential to man in that they are at the top of marine foodchain. If they are not protected in the same way as dolphins and turtles for example,the delicate balance of this ecosystem can be seriously damaged.
In this way sharks depend on us;it is our duty and responsibility to protect them and educate ourselves about them.For this reason we have been asking for signatures in support of our petition requesting protection for the sharks of Quintana Roo.Use the following link if you wish to help Peticion a SAGARPA de una Zona de "NO CAPTURA" y Veda de Tiburones en Playa del Carmen Petition
In regard to feeding the sharks:
This interaction has enable us to bring the sharks to a specific area wich allows us to study them and learn more about theur behavior.We have several known sharks,each with a file of information gathered by our staff.
It is thanks to our work that other dive operators,such as the one you recently dived with,are able to offer shark dives with the guarantee of seeing sharks.The sharks over time have become conditioned to respond to the sound of boat engines and the sight of divers only because they have received food in this area.
Your "observation" dive is only possible as a direct result of the work we have respectfully and thoughtfully carried out over the last 10 years.
We accept your position of being in opposition to shark feeding, however it is hypocritical to then take part in a dive in their known feeding area.
This type of inconsistency in human behavior is something which doesn't help the sharks in any way.
If you wish to help in the protection of this wonderful species you may visit Home which is another project we are involved in.
Thanks again for your interest in the sharks and for your comments.We welcome any opportunity to discuss our work and increase awareness.

Phantom divers shark team.

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