Last January, my husband and I dove the Turnoff Atoll in Belize. We booked thru a cruise excursion and dove with a well known respected dive company in the area. We do not have equipment of our own so we rented. On our first dive, my depth gauge malfunctioned and was reading 10ft when we were at 80. When I realized this, I alerted my buddy(hubby) and stayed close to him for the rest of the dive instead of ending it. We used his gauge for both of us and all was fine. At the surface interval, I alerted my divemaster and asked him if he had a replacement gauge. He informed me that they had no extra equipment on board and he then tapped my gauge (which was stuck at 10ft) and the needle dislodged and went back to zero. He gleefully stated, "problem solved". Well, that problem was solved, but a new one transpired with my hubby's equipment on the next dive. This time, his deptha gauge was stuck on zero so we were forced to use mine. We tried tapping his, but to no avail. Once again, at the surface we alerted the divemaster and he did not seem to care. We returned the equpment hoping that it would be fixed before it is used again. Needless to say, the experience was a wake up call and has now made us hesitant to rent again.
Has anyone else had this happen? Is this common? Was it acceptable safety measures to finish the dive with a buddy's working gauge in very close range? Any suggestions on knowing what to look for when renting equipment?
Now I know one solution to this problem is have your own equipment and keep it well maintained. However, equipment is currently not in our budget and we only get to dive about once a year. In addition to that, we are currently in our child bearing stage of life, so we can only dive between pregnancies, which sometimes makes intervals between diving over a year. Needless to say, equipment is not a wise investment at this time. However, safety is a huge concern. Is it unwise to rent? Basically, at this point it is either rent or not dive. Which is wiser/better? We obviously say renting. Any opinions?