Rent photography equiptment?

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Saint Petersburg FL

I'm new to diving. I think to get the most out of my experience I would like to use a Camera. I will be going to Negril Jamacca in March. I was woundering if anyone has any ideas about renting or purchasing an inexpencive one.

1. Can I rent digital Camera or Regular camera
2. For a beginer who still wants good pictures what is the best camera to buy without having to rob a bank. I do think I want to stay digital.
3. And of course any helpful tips would be great

I used to rent a Nikonos and strobe, but the cost is high--usually about $35 for a half day and they are becoming increasingly scarce. Less robust cameras are more available but often at about the same cost--which is too much.

When a LDS compared how much I was blowing in rentals to the cost of a low-end Sea and Sea without a strobe, I went for a $90 camera while I continue to look of a digital rig that makes sense for my needs.

Although it doesn't have a strobe, the quality of a Sea & Sea with internal flash is good if you heed its limitations: the internal flash is good only with 3 or 4 feet from the subject-- or shootl shallower water or a sand background.

This is a good low end solution for me: it's easy to carry, and when I get lucky some of the pictures are good enough to hang on the wall (I've even submitted one to a photo contest).
Hertz2much once bubbled...

I'm new to diving. I think to get the most out of my experience I would like to use a Camera. I will be going to Negril Jamacca in March. I was woundering if anyone has any ideas about renting or purchasing an inexpencive one.

1. Can I rent digital Camera or Regular camera
2. For a beginer who still wants good pictures what is the best camera to buy without having to rob a bank. I do think I want to stay digital.
3. And of course any helpful tips would be great


1) It will depend on who you rent from. If you plan to rent from the resort/dive operation in Jamaica, I'd contact them first to see what's available and the costs. You may be able to rent a camera at a dive shop but unless they are really photography oriented, chances are they won't rent cameras or only have very basic film cameras. A Sea & Sea MX-10 is a good basic film camera to start with. But if you can rent a digital, do so.

2) Digital is the way to go now days. We need more info before I can make a recommendation as to what to buy. What's your budget? You can get an Olympus C-5050 (5MP) camera and Oly PT-015 case for around $1000 or less. You can get a Canon set-up for around $700.

3) Make sure you have good bouyancy control before you start u/w photography. Buy the best you can afford. Renting will let you know if you like u/w photography and whether you might be any good at it....the first doesn't always guarantee the second! Better to find that out before you spend alot of money.

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