Vegemite Mod
you jogging my memory here! i must admit, many years ago when i was a newbie and diving with alot of other newbies one of the guys got bent when doing a boat dive and i was one he called about 6 hours after his dive when his symptons deteriated enough for him to realize he had a problem. about 8 years ago i think, i wasnt with him on the day of the dive.DandyDon:Well, I don't know how calling DAN works in other countries - thought I'd heard not so great there. Have you ever test called them?
I worry a lot, so I have called them several times about buddies, and the Med Tech line about my DVT last year.
my BF at the time (not my hubby-maybe thats why i blotted it out

ive not heard a bad thing about DAN in australia so happily pay our renewal each year.... just forgot about them the other day i must admit.