Regulator with octos and gauges

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Los Angeles
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0 - 24

I'm looking for regulator with octos and gauges in good shape. I would prefer something no more than 4 years old and that is in great shape. Tell me what you got and include pics:

mochosla at yahoo dot com
Bump. After some research I've done I decided to buy something of good quality. Let me know what you have.
what "gauges" are you looking for and what kind of diving will you be doing?

i would consider getting your 1st stage with 2 second stages, a bottom timer (shows you all you need) and an SPG on a hose.

i bet you could get all that in great condition for about $300 (or a hair more)
I will be doing wreck diving 110' and up. Nothing coder than Southern California water. Night diving etc.
go atomic, you'll be glad you did. there are a couple of really good deals on here right now and here is a z2 on ebay, brand spankin new and free shipping,
Atomic Aquatics Z2 Scuba Regulator - eBay (item 180431182063 end time Dec-10-09 19:00:50 PST)

i dive a Z2 here in the puget sound, lower to mid 40's and never, i mean never a change in breathing at any depth or breating rate. i sold my mk25/s600 that had 7 dives on it because it just did'nt breathe as freely as my buddies atomic.
Better to go new. Have you checked how much a local shop will charge for servicing the reg? By the time you pay for a used set and then for the servicing, you will be paying close to new price.
Thank you for all your replies. I have not bought anything yet but I am considering buying new as well. I have found some good deals on CG in my area and I'm making phone calls. If nothing works out in the next 2 weeks I will probably buy new.

Thank you again.

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