I have debating over two month of what type of regulator should I buy for myself. I have been diving over a year and I most do wrecks, reefs and occasionally deep dives. it is valid to mention that the ocean is my backyard as I live in the beautiful city of Miami in the Florida State. Amount other features on a regulator I am interested on brand reputation, free parts replacements, comfort and performance. I was originally tented by the Titan LX 2009 by Aqualung, which for the price seemed to be the one fits my diving habits. However, on a trip to a local dive shop the Apeks XTX50 was introduced to me. I automatically felt in love with it. For average $100 from the Titan LX 2009 reg , the XTX 50 hypnotized me with all it top of the line features. unfortunately I have not found any recent review on the apeks xtx 50 , while the web is saturated of Titan LX 200 reviews. A regulator will be the first of the list of gear I intent to buy and rent no more. I will appreciate an advice for any connoisseur.