For those of you who dont know, REEF is an evironmental group that trains divers in fish identity. These divers then carry a small notepad on their dives and make note of the fish they can positively identify with a general idea of quantities seen. Afterwards they transfer this info to scantron and send it to REEF. With approx 2000 surveys being done each month their database on fish populations
is quite extensive and readily available to interested parties such as scientists the government and the public in general. It also attempts to educate the public on environmental issues involving marine life. I signed up for the survey after hearing about it from a diver(Pam from Sacramento) at Pt Lobos who also attended the seminar. The survey was to encompass four days diving from the Cypress Sea.
The first night ( Tuesday April 20) we all met for the first time at Schnarleys Pizza for dinner. Seemed like a pretty good
group. We had Allan from Alameda, John from Berkeley, Mark from Oregon , my wife Kathy, and Christy the west coast REEf person from Seattle who is also the REEF scientific advisor. With her were Gracie her daughter and her husband Brice who is almost finished with his PhD in marine conservation. It was obvious that these people knew their stuff. It was also obvious that I did not. To their credit everybody was very patient and willing to help out.
I immediately put my best foot forward by bumping the table and spilling wine on a couple of people. Just for good measure I asked if they were all tree huggers. No response.I was able to resist the temptation to order seafood. By now I'm feeling a little intimidated. I'm not used to associating with so many liberals at once. Fortunately we stayed away from politics and concentrated on fish counts.
From there we proceeded to the Monterey Bay aquarium for a fish ID seminar.We were joined by staff from the aquarium(Gil)and the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary. Wow, this was not going to be easy. The problem is that so many of the rock fish and perch seem to look almost identical. In the tropics fish can usually be IDed easily if you know the name to start with. The fish up here seem to adopt various colors and shades. I left the seminar able to identify only a couple of fish. Forunately I enjoy a challenge and we went over the fish each night. Finally we could take no more and we adjorned for the evening.
Kathy and I headed to McFlys for a little rock and roll and a second more protein filled dinner. We then went back to our hotel to prepare for diving the next day at 8am.
(To be continued)