Reef Club Apr 22-29?

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Denver CO , Ramrod Key FL
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200 - 499
My husband and I will be staying at the Reef Club, April 22-29. Will anyone else be in Cozumel during that period?

This is our second dive trip to Cozumel. Last year (June), we stayed at the Iberostar and dove with Papa Hogs. We absolutely loved the Iberostar and hope that the Reef Club will be ok. Based on many trip reports, we wanted to stay at PLG and forage for our own food, but the Reef Club was offering a better deal, inclusive of food and drinks.

We are thinking about diving with Blue Angel. Has anyone had any recent experiences with them? Several divers staying at the Iberostar last year raved about them.

Thanks and happy diving....
My wife and I stayed at the Reef Club in January of 2003. We dove with Sand Dollar Sport, which is the on-site dive operator at the Reef Club. They were competent, although there boats are a little older. As far as the Reef Club itself......Well, if you really want that information, let me know and I will fill you on on our personal experience. (I understand that you are already commited to the reef club, and I would not want you to go on vacation with a skewed view of things) Keep in mind that the Reef Club is part of a time-share vacation resort thingy and they will want to give you the "tour". They are far from town, about a $14 taxi ride one way, so plan on eating most of your meals there. With that in mind, I suggest you take advantage of the burgers at the grill when you can, as they will be unavailable from 6pm till 10pm, when you'll be stuck trying to find something edible at the buffet. Hey, but everybody has different taste and you may really enjoy it there. Let me know if you want additional info.

We returned to Cozumel just this past January and this time dove and stayed at Scuba Club Cozumel....which we highly recommend with great guides, nice shore diving, excellent food and a 20 minute walk into downtown San Miguel.
Taucher I heard that you have to pay tipping at the end of your stay at scuba club is that right. My wife and I are staying their in April and would like to get some information about the place first hand. What room we should ask for? Who's a good DM since we are taking our AOW while their. Do they allow you to bring drinks from the store in? Thanks
Bes1020 we plan to be in cozumel from april 25 till the 30th. We don't know our dive schedual yet other than the morning dives. We wouldn't mind meet a few people at one of the night spots.
Taucher I heard that you have to pay tipping at the end of your stay at scuba club is that right. My wife and I are staying their in April and would like to get some information about the place first hand. What room we should ask for? Who's a good DM since we are taking our AOW while their. Do they allow you to bring drinks from the store in? Thanks

O.K. here's the rundown. We loved the place. Stock the fridge in your room with whatever drinks you may like, but you can't bring them into the restaraunt. My wife and I consummed the brunt of our alcoholic beverages in town, so our drink bill for the entire week was under $100.00.
we would wake up to tanks clanging at 7:00 am, go for breakfast, back to the room, get ready to dive. they have gear storage near the docks so you don't have to lug things back and forth to your room. (bring your own locks) you dive on the same boat with the same crew all week. (nice and easy to track tipping) food was excellent. We stayed in room 55, which at first had us a bit leary, but it grew on us. We refer to it as the chicken coop, and if you see it you'll know why. The room is a little smaller than some others, but it has the BEST view, looking out over the ocean. The bed was smaller than other rooms, and we didn't mind that one bit! !since we were really only there to sleep and shower, we actually grew to love this room and will request it upon our return. tipping can be a personel thing so I will generalize what we did. (and this is for two of us)
maids: we left $2 per day
wait staff: we left about $10 per day, split among three people who took care of us the most
Boat captain and crew: $8 per person per day of diving
Divemaster: (Martin Vera who we really liked and let us stay down as long as our air lasted!) $10 per person per day of diving.
It is a 20 minute walk to downtown San Miguel, so we spent most of our non-diving time in town. I could babble on forever since we had such a good time, and I won't. I will however be happy to answer any specific questions you may have. If you would like me to e-mail some pics of the place, let me know and I'll shoot some off to you!
Thanks Taucher for the great info. We would enjoy some pictures if you can spare the time to send them.
My husband and I will be staying at the Reef Club, April 22-29. Will anyone else be in Cozumel during that period?

This is our second dive trip to Cozumel. Last year (June), we stayed at the Iberostar and dove with Papa Hogs. We absolutely loved the Iberostar and hope that the Reef Club will be ok. Based on many trip reports, we wanted to stay at PLG and forage for our own food, but the Reef Club was offering a better deal, inclusive of food and drinks.

We are thinking about diving with Blue Angel. Has anyone had any recent experiences with them? Several divers staying at the Iberostar last year raved about them.

Thanks and happy diving....

Hi there. We just came home from staying at the Reef Club. They definitly try and sell you the "vacation club" time shares. Just stand firm and say NO. They will try and give you a rental car for 10.00 usd. Among other things. Avoid the bar next to the stage by the pool. We stayed in the Jr. Suites and were very happy. The private hot tub was great, and we used it to rinse our gear after diving. The buffet food was not very good. However, the italian rest. and the Vista del Mar food was great. Res. are required for both. We ate there 5 out 7 nights. The other we ate downtown at La Choza! Authentis mexican-well worth the 13usd cab ride. Re: diving. We did not read great reviews about Sand Dollar Sports. They had large groups going out and they brought people back from the cruise ships. Not good. We chose Deep Blue. They picked us up at the pier and we dived with the same Dm on all of our dives. Only 4 people to our DM and one day it was 6. Very nice.....We made res. before we went down and added a couple while there. I did see the Blue Angel boats picking people up at our resort. i also heard Sea Scuba was good, too. Good luck!
Did not like the Reef Club; HATED THE FOOD SERVICE!! :sick: Also quite a hike from hotel, around time share, to dive dock, but you can't use the lockers unless you dive with the house shop :censored:

Go and make the best of it, but look for ways to avoid what I endured. One time should be enough. Here's a link to my report, if you want my details:

Dive safely, and have fun - in spite of the food...

I stayed at the Reef Club last November. I had a great time. Dive Sand Dollar. The convenience 15 minutes between my alarm going off and getting on the boat is too much. Try to dive with DM Gerry. Tell him his boys from Jersey say hi. He helped us out in a real tight spot down there. He went well above and beyond his duties.
Blue Angel is an outstanding dive shop. I am going to be in Cozumel May 24-31, staying at Reef Club and diving with Blue Angel. If you like small boats and the ability to dive your profile, then they are the shop to go with.

I don't know about Reef Club. This will be my first time to stay so far from town.


My husband and I will be staying at the Reef Club, April 22-29. Will anyone else be in Cozumel during that period?

This is our second dive trip to Cozumel. Last year (June), we stayed at the Iberostar and dove with Papa Hogs. We absolutely loved the Iberostar and hope that the Reef Club will be ok. Based on many trip reports, we wanted to stay at PLG and forage for our own food, but the Reef Club was offering a better deal, inclusive of food and drinks.

We are thinking about diving with Blue Angel. Has anyone had any recent experiences with them? Several divers staying at the Iberostar last year raved about them.

Thanks and happy diving....

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