Recommendations for a Rig

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I am based in Singapore, and normally dive around South East Asia, i.e. Warm Tropical Waters.
I am about 172cm, 70kgs.
My current setup includes, a 1.5mil suit with a 3mm Hooded vest, OR a 3mm full suit, SeaQuest Balance BC, Scubapro MK25 / SB600 with MiFlex hoses, Jet Fins Revo fins.
I am starting into photography, so trim and buoyancy matters a lot.
What rig config would you recommend?
Can I purchase if the web and have it delivered to Singapore?

If you're looking to change out your gear(BC?) With the hopes
Of having better trim and bouyancy control, don't bother. If
You want to improve trim and bouyancy control for photography
And better diving in general the work on getting properly
Weighted and pay attention to trim during your dives.
Take the time to work on this during your dives. I wouldn't
Focus too much on the gear for the areas you're wanting to improve
Is a seaquest balance a back inflate BC? If so, then you wouldn't
Really need to change it. It is my opinion that a back inflate BC
Is better for being to maintain horizontal trim. It can be done
In a jacket BC as well, but a back inflate design is a little
Better in this regard.
Do a search for "balanced rig", and read through what you find.
Work on your skills in terms of bouyancy and trim before you buy
Any gear. It's all're already in Singapore, so you
Don't have to worry about shipping yourself there. Haha.
Have fun,

Sorry about my above post. I was browsing the board on my blackberry using Scubaboard Mobile, so I wasn't aware that this was in the DSS section. My wife and I both dive Tobin's rigs.
LCD 30 for me, and a Torus 26 for her. His 18 or 26 lb. wings will be plenty for your needs.
You'll get a more detailed response from Tobin in terms of weighting and which plate to get.
Have fun researching this.
Enjoy the dives.

Take care,

I am based in Singapore, and normally dive around South East Asia, i.e. Warm Tropical Waters.
I am about 172cm, 70kgs.
My current setup includes, a 1.5mil suit with a 3mm Hooded vest, OR a 3mm full suit, SeaQuest Balance BC, Scubapro MK25 / SB600 with MiFlex hoses, Jet Fins Revo fins.
I am starting into photography, so trim and buoyancy matters a lot.
What rig config would you recommend?
Can I purchase if the web and have it delivered to Singapore?



At ~5'7" tall you need a medium plate. If you are using buoyant aluminum 80 cylinders I would recommend a stainless steel plate.

You can use a very small wing. Your rig will only be about 10 lbs negative with a full al 80, and your 3mm suit can only loose about 4-5 lbs max.

Our Torus 17 is a good fit for your application.


Medium SS Plate
Torus 17 Wing
Hogarthian Harness
(cambands and wwedge blocks included)

Hi Tobin,

Thanks for the recommendations.

I stepped into a Local Dive Shop (to support the local industry) that carries DSS products.

They only stock the Tourus 26 and LCD30. And the "standard" BP/W systems here in Singapore are mostly 30Lbs wings.

Will the Tourus 26 or LCD 30 be suitable for me?

What is the difference between the Taurus and LCD?

And because I fly budget airlines regularly, their weight restrictions are very strict, I am considering the medium Kydex BP.

Will the Kydex BP suit me?

Much much lead weight would I need with the Kydex BP?

How should I place the lead weight on this system?

Sorry for all these newbie questions?

And thanks once again.
Hi Tobin,

Thanks for the recommendations.

I stepped into a Local Dive Shop (to support the local industry) that carries DSS products.

They only stock the Tourus 26 and LCD30. And the "standard" BP/W systems here in Singapore are mostly 30Lbs wings.

Will the Tourus 26 or LCD 30 be suitable for me?

What is the difference between the Taurus and LCD?

And because I fly budget airlines regularly, their weight restrictions are very strict, I am considering the medium Kydex BP.

Will the Kydex BP suit me?

Much much lead weight would I need with the Kydex BP?

How should I place the lead weight on this system?

Sorry for all these newbie questions?

And thanks once again.

My original recommendations are still the best IMO.

Can you use a kydex plate? Sure, but you will not have the advantage of the ballast a SS plate provides up over your buoyant lungs.

Remember a SS plate is only about 3.5 lbs heavier than the Kydex.

Can you use a 26 lbs wing? Sure, but it's larger than you need.


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