Recent Rocky Point Experiences?

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Joining is quick and easy. Log in or Register now! we are all getting a bit jealous down here in the desert... but have to admit that is very good advice!!!! :wink:
This is when you tell her, let's go to Cancun instead honey, you deserve it. Warm water, great viz, caves, oh and much better hotels, because she's worth it. Did I mention that I'm down there now.:D

Isn't a hurricane heading that way as we speak? :D

The problem with the Cancun Diversion is that my wife would see it coming from a mile away. For some reason, she insists on spending time with me if we take a trip by ourselves. Since she isn't certified, it really cramps my diving style. The other problem is that we still haven't found anyone we trust to watch our kids for extended trips, so Cancun would just mean I'd end up watching the kids on the beach instead of diving my brains out. If I'm going to be stuck above the water instead of under it, I'd rather do it someplace where I won't be missing out on anything spectacular.

In Rocky Point, all she wants to do is lay around on the beach with the kids. I can mope around and look pathetic enough that she'll send me off for half a day to dive just to get rid of me.

I'm actually using up all of my spousal capital to take a week long trip to Cozumel in November with my brother (with a double-secret side trip to Akumal or Tulum--wife doesn't like the idea of caves).
Isn't a hurricane heading that way as we speak? :D

I'm actually using up all of my spousal capital to take a week long trip to Cozumel in November with my brother (with a double-secret side trip to Akumal or Tulum--wife doesn't like the idea of caves).

No hurricane here, weather is great. Karen and I will be there the first part of November, let us know if you need any diving connections in the Tulum area, we might even buy the first round.
My wife's plan changed. Now we're going down Labor Day weekend. If anyone else will be there that weekend, I'm open to shore or boat diving.
Labor Day in RP with the kids? How old are they and where are you staying? It gets pretty crazy down there! :shelli:
I'll be over at Las Palomas. We'll be leaving from RP on Sunday, so we should miss most of the insanity (I hope).
Have fun down in RP this weekend, let us know how the diving is.


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