Recall of Vytec by Suunto

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Dear Suunto Dealers,

Although the testing program made by Suunto Oy's personnel and by independent divers all over the world has been extensive, it has been found that using the SIMPLAN function may cause problems in Vytec units with software version 21 (Serial numbers 205000-223700) and thus cause risk to the diver.

The error can only occur if two prerequisites are met:
1) the unit is in Nitrox Mode and
2) the SIMPLAN function is used before the dive.

If the above prerequisites are met, some features of the Vytec's display may disappear or become incorrect.

It is therefore highly recommended that no one will use the Vytec's SIMPLAN function before Suunto has checked the software of all units.

When diving with Vytec without using SIMPLAN all features of the instrument will work normally. The error can not occur if the computer is used in Air or Gauge Modes, or if the SET-SET DIVE NITROX is accessed every time after SIMPLAN has been used. Products with software 22 or reprogrammed version 21R (Serial number 223701) do not have the error.

Suunto Oy has therefore decided that:
- Suunto Oy will check all Vytec units in the Distributor Inventory.
- Distributors should send all Vytec units with serial numbers 205000-223700 to Suunto Oy for Inspection (See Shipping Instructions)
- Suunto Oy will supply new Vytec's as soon as possible
- Distributors will inform retailers that it is not permitted to use the SIMPLAN function in Vytec before Suunto Oy has checked the unit
- Distributors and Retailers are obliged to inform Customers who have already purchased a Vytec or are buying a Vytec not checked by Suunto that:

- Using SIMPLAN is not permitted unless the unit has been checked by Suunto
- When Diving with Vytec without using SIMPLAN all features will function normally
- if SIMPLAN is accidentally used, accessing SET-SET DIVE-NITROX mode will remove the potential problem and will allow for safe use.
- Suunto is willing to check Customer's Vytec within the warranty period according to the procedure mentioned in the instruction manual page 71 (warranty) but without any charge to the owner.

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