Rebreather use in mainland Japan...

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That's a great price for an air fill. Just a question, is that price for 150 or 200 bar fill? Some places charge a little more for a 200 bar fill.

With the 40,000 up front you would need to have 100 fills to make it a better deal than the single fill price.

Average price in Izu is about 2,000 to 2,500 for tank rental including fill.
That's a 200 bar fill - sometimes a little over 210/215. I had one once that was only 180, but I whined about it and they never did it again! :D
Yes - it's 100 tanks a year. However we use about 12-16 tanks/weekend through the summer (my mate is an instructor) - and he often uses more through the week - so it builds up quickly.
One of these days I will calculate how many tanks my customers and I used in one year!

Interesting you get over 200 bar, as 200 is the fill pressure of steel scuba tanks in Japan.
I'll have to check to be certain but I'm fairly sure that the tanks themselves are all rated to 300 bar. Anyway it doesn't really matter as a 10% overfill is OK as far as I know. Are you saying that they are only supposed to fill to 200 - is that a law or something? Just curious!
You can't use you own tanks in Shishihama. Atleast I can't I went there and there was no divers there at all, the guy could have charged me 2000 - 3000 yen to dive at his spot he would have had to do nothing except smoke and jerk off and made atleast some money. No one has to date been able to give me a reason as to why you can't use your own tanks except maybe because of the fisherman yakuza. As everyone knows this really is really frustrating for me and that and having nothing to look at but mud below 40 meters. If I had a boat a lot of the laws would not apply and there is tons a wrecks out there to dive I could even pick people up in Tokyo or Atami anyone want to invest with me I have no money but can work like hell.
I'll have to check to be certain but I'm fairly sure that the tanks themselves are all rated to 300 bar. Anyway it doesn't really matter as a 10% overfill is OK as far as I know. Are you saying that they are only supposed to fill to 200 - is that a law or something? Just curious!

Look on the tank, the markings should tell you.


Fill Pressure 200 bar
Test Pressure 335 bar

Most tanks have this rating, I have not seen any HP tanks in Japan for scuba diving use.

The 10% overfill pressure you refer to is in the US for tanks with the + designation.
If I had a boat a lot of the laws would not apply and there is tons a wrecks out there to dive I could even pick people up in Tokyo or Atami anyone want to invest with me I have no money but can work like hell.

Steve, we are considering the purchase of a boat in the future. But one question, where are we going to store it?

Private marinas not controlled by fishermen, the slip fees run about 2-3,000 dollars a month. Now you know why sailing is such a rich man's sport.

Do you have a Japanese boat license?
The my tank can be brought into west coast of Izu.
The my tank can not be brought into east coast of Izu.
Though it is the rough outline.
The my tank is necessary when a rebreather is used.
Therefore, the person who uses a rebreather in east coast of Izu isn't seen very much.

By the way, does anyone have rebreather?:pilot:
I have an RB80 on order and will start to dive it this Spring :eyebrow: JUE is organizing a RB80 course late 2005as you need Tech 1 and 2 to enjoy them. / Thomas

The my tank can be brought into west coast of Izu.
The my tank can not be brought into east coast of Izu.
Though it is the rough outline.
The my tank is necessary when a rebreather is used.
Therefore, the person who uses a rebreather in east coast of Izu isn't seen very much.

By the way, does anyone have rebreather?:pilot:

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