I feel this personally. Tech diving is really screwing with my dive count. In the past, I could do two typical two tank dive trips in a day. That would be four dives, and maybe a bottom time of between two and three hours, assuming two “wreck and reef“ trips. Double dip wreck trips would be even less time.
Today, even as a baby cave diver, I can do a two hour cave dive on a single set of back mount doubles. Very similar bottom time, 1/4 as many dives for the dive log!

it really is about the bottom time and the different/greater experience, but it does screw up the statistics.
That, in a nutshell, is why I stay open circuit. In a good year, I can’t see doing more than four or five 200 foot dives per year. I can afford the trimix for such dives. And not needing to spend extensive time on set up, teardown, maintenance, etc. alone is enough to keep me on open circuit, never mind the $10,000 upfront equipment and training cost, and the need to very regularly maintain closed circuit awareness.
Sometimes I regret it when I hear people talking about the cool capabilities that their CCR gives them. But I also enjoy the times when I am ready to relax with a beverage at the end of the day, and they’re still messing with their rig.