RavenC's Reply

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My current SO (I despise the term girlfriend) wants to learn to dive through the same people that I used (probably because I DiveCon through there). I actually advised her to use someone closer to where she lives as the shop that I use is an hour and a half from her, but only ten minutes from me. Anyways, if she learns it will likely be through the LDS that I use.

I am confident that it won't be a problem except for possible medical issues. If those medical issues prevent her from diving, I won't be shallow enough to dump her over that. I love diving. But, I will find other ways to spend time with her and still dive. She likes to camp and spend time outdoors. I enjoy that as well. She has her interests that don't involve me being around (ie. quilting, sewing, etc.). I can dive then and give her some peace and quiet.
I had some health concerns too that prevented me from getting started at a more appropriate time for my ex..but some things seem to happen for a reason. ;)
There is a blood clotting disorder that runs in my family...if that's the same situation with your SO, PM me and I'll send you some of the research I have been doing over the past few months.
Hope all works out for you!
jepuskar once bubbled...
IDee, its pretty funny that you called me Jas because I absolutely cant stand that..lol

J, JEPUSKAR, Jason, idiot, troll, but for the love of King Neptune himself...not Jas.


I had a co-worker named Dustin who absolutely hated to be called "Dusty" which was a name I loved to call him. One day he finally said, "Please don't call me Dusty, I HATE that!" I said, "Well, I have to call you something since I hate 'Dustin' so how about 'Dust' or 'Dirt?' Oh, hey I've got it, wet dirt is mud, I'll just call you MUD!" "How's it going Mud?" He just shook his head and said, "Dusty will be fine." :) The moral of this story is that people will call you worse things if you take away the nice names that they like!

Peace and love to you dear! Sorry to hear about the break-up. I was lucky, my hubby was already a diver when we met, actually we met on a dive trip he set up!
Ber :bunny:
Diving just lends itself to intimacy. Typical vacation dive day- dive,dive,nap,dive,nap,dive,dine,back to bed. yippee all aspects of a perfect day, with the right buddy.
jrock1014 once bubbled...
Diving just lends itself to intimacy. Typical vacation dive day- dive,dive,nap,dive,nap,dive,dine,back to bed. yippee all aspects of a perfect day, with the right buddy.

Something like that... heeehee

Diving with an SO buddy is great. Yep dive buddy with benefits. :D

(why am I smiling so hard????) (Still smiling - she nods her head and thinks "yeah baby." :Austin Powers' voice) R
my bf doesn't dive (yet), but that is cool with me...we have a lot of trust in our relationship and he has hobbies that are different from mine. It would be great if he would dive with me, but to be honest I don't see myself as more than a recreational diver, so it's something that isn't going to interfere much with our relationship. And I know first hand that pressuring someone only makes them want to dive less! :)
I can see how diving together could enhance our relationship, but I also feel that having different interests gives us a break from each other and helps us remain 2 independent people, which makes the time we spend together that much more special..awww
divebunnie once bubbled...
Am with you on that one!

No better buddie than the SO, boyf, boyfriend, better half... type of buddie... best diving times to be had.

Only problem is when it all goes pear shaped and you lose your best buddie...:( Oh no!

If you lose your best buddie over going "pear shaped", he wasn't a truly good "best dive buddy". Find one that will stay with you for what you ARE, not dump you over something like appearance or things that are part of you that can't be helped.

We're out there! You just have to be patient and possibly accept a "boy scout" in your life. Then, both of you will be happy and better off.

And Carebear: Good luck with the SO. I hope that all works out for you!
Sorry Diverbrian I seem to have caused a bit of confusion... it wasn't an appearance thing, I had meant "pear shaped" as an expression we Brits use when things just plain go wrong...

But I have no doubt that there are many wonderful other best buddies out there... great excuse to go diving!

Happy diving :D

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