Well, I understand that I'm in the Womens Only portion of the website....but I WAS invited after all. RavenC wanted to know how I got my wife to agree to get certified so I could have her as a dive buddy. Well the answer is real simple and probably won't be much help, it goes like this: I have been diving for 13 yrs and been married for 7, so she already knew what she was getting into. When I'd go diving in Crystal River with some friends she'd be happy with just snorkeling. She's been kicking around the idea for a year or so but never said that she WANTED to do it until last week. Needless to say I had the course material in her hands within a few hours. I asked her myself, "why all of the sudden" and her response was that she just wasn't ready before. I never once pushed her and let her make the decision on her own. I think that if I'd tried to get her through when I was ready for her to do it, I still wouldn't have a live aboard dive buddy. Hope it helps.