Raleigh Area FB group for Divers

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Apex NC
# of dives
500 - 999
Hey gang,
I created a FB group for Raleigh Area Divers

There wasn't one after talking with Joe and Bill.. So I created one
Facebook is a good platform for this since there are tons of users and it is integrated into most people’s lives these days.

http://www.facebook.com/groups/33653428 ... /RADivers/

RADivers: promoting safe, fun, team-oriented diving in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill Area.

Intro Message: Everyone, this group was created to form a social network of divers whom enjoy safe, Team Oriented Diving in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area.
1) Enjoy ourselves diving !!
2) Buddy up divers and teams for local and regional Dives and events.
3) Share training tips and get sharp on our skills
4) Enjoy some group power for Charters and regional dive trips.

RADivers (Raleigh Area Divers) is a non-organizational aligned group, All training organizations are welcome, PADI, GUE, SSI, NAUI, TDI, Etc.

Some Ideas we talked about....
Getting Charters together for weekdays in Hatteras and Morehead.
training/skills days
Trips with people you know, that are to the destinations of our choosing.
Organizing training events with non-local agencies

give it a join and get the word out.

So far, we've been diving weekly at Fantasy Lake which has been a lot of fun. We've had a few Thursday night dives and some Sunday dives. Some of us are headed offshore to the Cassimir and Normannia with Aquatic Safaris at the end of the month (26th). I'm so looking forward to salt water after a winter of cave and quarry diving. Still plenty of space on the boat if anybody's interested.

thanks for the bump - i hadn't seen this before & asked to join!
Also my cousin and I will be in Key Largo from Feb 29th to March 5th diving with Scuba-Do every day if you are down there come on over and join us.
it is cold. it is especially cold below the thermocline. but it tends to have good viz. we went on new year's & it wasn't as cold as in past years & we had a good time.
On Thursday night it was 52 degrees, no thermocline, and some visibility

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