Raja Ampat trip report 11-14 thru 11-24-10

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Most night dives were chilled! I would have to look at my log but off hand I would say around 45% of the dives ( maybe more) were current dives.
Fifty/ Fity sounds do-able!

My wife is not a fan of current dives. But we're off to Pulau Weh in a weeks time (its our second trip) and there should be some ripping good current dives to get her more "used" to them.

I just seen my first reef hook and can see why its so easy to DIY!!
Bummer about the cold Scott! Good advice here. I'm going in for my physical and I'm going to get one of those packs just in case. Not sure if I will take it as soon as I arrive in Palau or wait for symptoms. Have to discuss it with doc although he will probably just issue the standard "protect teh world from antibiotic resistant strains " and don't take anything till you need it. Personally I'm more into preventative measures. I don't want a trip halfway around the world to be screwed by itty bitty bugs.

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