Raja Ampat trip report 11-14 thru 11-24-10

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Reaction score
Temecula CA
# of dives
500 - 999
Raja Ampat: Stayed at Sorido resort again. As in my other reports this is an exceptional resort in the middle of nowhere. The meals, accommodations, people, diving, nature etc make this a wonderful place. This year leaving Sorong to Kri Island I was lucky to have calm waters and an Express boat. Only a little over an hour trip! Usually a 2+ hour trip.

This was my fourth visit in three years and the first time I found the resort to be full. I believe Max gave up his room as he was using the employees housing as Kri was also full. There was a Russian group filming a movie and they Have some very very serious Cool camera equipment. One couple on my dive boat was Frits Meyst and Jillian Macdonald who live in Cappadocia, Turkey. They do stories for various magazines around the world and were there doing a story on Indonesia and Max Ammer. There was also a man Norbert Probst and Johanna Beloch on my dive boat. Norbert also had also some very serious camera equipment! I goggled him….wholly crap! I had no idea who I was diving with! He was one of the nicest people and when diving with him you never knew he was around. It was interesting watching him take photos, he had a way of getting very close to a Manta that normally would chase the Manta away. Plus a family from Switzerland and a group staying between Kri and Sorido were from National Geographic doing rebreathers filming a movie. When I arrived I was walking down the pier and Max came to greet me….He was looking at my lower leg that had gotten infected from scratching bug bites and before he shook my hand….I got a lecture about taking care of the infection….about an hour later Dr. Max was administrating first aid to my swollen leg.

The Diving: 7 dive days only 15 dives. Again this is some of the finest diving in the world. One dive at Sardines reef, I saw Tuna, two types of schools of Barracuda, Wobbegong’s, Bumphead Parrotfish, Spanish Mackerels, Nudibranchs, clouds of Fusiliers & Jacks etc etc….I was using my reef hook on that dive and the dive guide signaled for me to come down and he showed me a Pigmy seahorse!!??...LOL. The description of this dive is indicative of many dives I did. Just seeing and being in all that diversity and amounts of colorful corals and marine life that is there…it is worth every minute it takes to get to Raja.

After the third day of diving I felt a scratchy throat, the next day Thursday my ears were giving me some problems equalizing. On Friday three people came in from Conservation International. They were taking a day off and invited me to go diving on their cool dive boat. I got 12’ down and thought my left eardrum was going to pop! No more diving for me! Tried again Sunday morning no luck. Missed 6 or so dives! That was the spoiler to come all that distance and miss a third of your dives.

Arrived in Singapore on Monday still having problems with my ears…not fun flying! Again spent 2 days in one of the great cities of the world. Went to the new fifty four stories, three tower Marina Sands hotel that was being built when I was there last year. This place has a Casino, shopping center, and the Skypark (which costs $20.00) on top of the three towers. The Skypark looks like a massive cruise ship on top of the Hotel, with a pool, restaurants, observation deck etc etc. You look down on the Singapore wheel and just about everything else in Singapore, this is really something to see. The Casino compromises two massive floors but really nothing exceptional. Also went and had lunch at the Penny Black in the Boat quay, fun place to see the better sights of Singapore walking around!

Overall another great trip but that cold and losing those dives in Raja Ampat was a bit disappointing....So I am already planning my return for 2011!
I always enjoy reading your report - though no pictures:D
Raja Ampat is our list for next year trip once my younger daughter certified for Jr. AOW at her 12.

too bad you have ear problem there - at least you still can enjoy the marina sand and new casino in Sing - how much you get there? :blinking:I heard somebody won $$$$$ more than enough to build new resort at Raja ampat.
Sorry to hear about your ear problem, Scott. Sounds like me on the boat in the Sangihe Archipelago a year ago. After that experience, we carry a couple of courses of Z-Pak antibiotics on dive trips. If you start taking them immediately, you can knock out an ear infection really fast.
Sorry to hear about your ear problem, Scott. Sounds like me on the boat in the Sangihe Archipelago a year ago. After that experience, we carry a couple of courses of Z-Pak antibiotics on dive trips. If you start taking them immediately, you can knock out an ear infection really fast.

Z-pak antibiotics? I had Doxycycline with me which I started taking when I realized my ears were not working...but it was a bit late and no amount of Sudafeds would work (probably the best to eliminate a reverse squeeze) someone had Afrin they gave me which made the plane flight possible.
Zithromaz Z-Pak is a full course of azithromycin packed into a few days, and you can often feel improvement within hours. Granted, on a one-week or ten-day trip, if you get an infection you can't get over it instantly, but this gives you a whopping big dose right up front. I wish I was was carrying it a year ago when I missed diving the Bangka portion of our 11-day Sangihe liveaboard with an ear infection.

When we were in Komodo last month, there was a Belgian pharmacist aboard the boat, and he had Cipro (ciproflaxin) ear drops, which we had never heard of. We're going to research them, and if they're available in the US, they're going along on the next dive trip. Then you can attack an ear problem from both sides ... ear drops and meds.
Scott you are a lucky man to be doing so many trips to RA!! Thanks for the reports.

You mentioned your use of the reef hook, which clearly means there was a pretty decent current running. Is that the norm??

We have booked with the Indo Siren for a LOB trip next year, I wonder if they will have reef hooks on board we could rent?? I will have to find out.
Scott you are a lucky man to be doing so many trips to RA!! Thanks for the reports.

You mentioned your use of the reef hook, which clearly means there was a pretty decent current running. Is that the norm??

We have booked with the Indo Siren for a LOB trip next year, I wonder if they will have reef hooks on board we could rent?? I will have to find out.

Raja Ampat is a pretty big area and I dive in the Papua area where Kri and Sardines reef has some of the strongest currents in the area. I have dove when there is not much current...and not much fish and when the current is ripping and you swim like hell to get through it and get into the bubble...you will see the amazing marine life and if you have a slight current it is great to hook in. I'm not familiar with your LOB but I hope they have some DM's that know the area and you will have exceptional diving.

To make a reef hook is easy....go to a tackle shop.....buy the biggest hook they have (I forget the # but it needs to hold a couple of hundred of pounds or more) file down the sharp edges....Go to home store, buy a small marine rope and 6" of 1" pvc pipe...make it around 6' to 8' long....get a stainless steel clip to hook on your BC!...hope that helps.....Being you are in Singapore seems like you should be to find a reef hook and muck stick there.
I would bring a reef hook for sure for RA. We just got back and the currents were ripping this year. I held onto the dive guides reef hook on some of the dives. I had helped him cut a fishing hook off one of the reefs a few days prior and he quickly made his own hook. On one of the pinnacles we flew along with some HUGE fish!
I didn't find the currents that strong last year . We are going to make our own hooks for our upcoming trip in March.

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