Hi, Matt
Nice to hear from you..I was wondering where you were. Oh, man this rain has to stop..it's getting a bit too much. Oh, a carb rebuild that doesn't sound like fun at least it' nothing really major and having a cold doesn't help much either..hope u feel better soon. Well, as to this coming weekend....I hate to say it..but, according to the weather forecasters it's going to rain...yes, RAIN (i'm moving)
Well, it went in last weekend..but, hubby was on it..not me cause I wasn't feeling well so sat at home. I was hoping this weekend..but, no and next weekend again I heard more rain. so, will have to wait and see what happens. I figured that since we have to boat and with all this rain we can just float away or use it as Noah's Ark we already have 2 dog's for it. ha,ha,ha...