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alvin,texas/so.of houston
Well Wednessday dive gang;anyone going to brave the elements tommorrow?.:confused: There`s supposed to be a 30% chance of the wet stuff on Wed. The lake hasn`t claimed hardly any in the last couple o days so it will be divable.If so I will make sure to call it an early day at work to make it out around 4.Will check the board this eve to see if any takers are up to it.
Whassa matter? You gonna let a measly 30% spook ya? I'm more worried about those danged blood suckers out there!

I have a feeling it would take nothing less than a class A hurricane to keep tony from trying out that new camera :D

Unless it gets alot wetter, I'm in.
Hey T.P.H. and Wednesday buds...wish I could join y'all this Wed., but I need to dry out a little... :drown:

I completed the Rescue Diver class this weekend at Blue Lagoon. And though it was great fun, I was completely pooped afterwards and am still catching up on sleep and work. As Dee and Doug might know, with Mike Womble (sp?) there as a spontaneous victim for rescue, we had a grand time :bonk: ...we saved him alone 5 times, not to count the other eager victims... :rolleyes:

Perhaps I'll be dried out and ready to splash down with y'all on Saturday. Have fun...and kill some mosquitoes for me :whip:
That means there's a 70% chance it won't rain! I'll be there, I'm sure Randy (Splash) will be. And Homey will most likely dive bomb us if we get there a hair earlier than he.
See ya at the pond, little buddy!
OH, and Dee will be there to give me some pointers in digital photography, of which I PROMISE to retain some of it....gotta get some wet notes, write stuff down.....LOL Looks like a gathering!


I might be able to make it out there as well, just depends on how busy the office is tomorrow and if I can slip out unnoticed. :D
I might get wet. My bootys might get muddy. Looks affuly cloudy.....I...just...don't...know?.............O.K., since ya twisted my arm, pulled me hair, stomped me pinky toe,.....Homey gotta go!:poking: See ya at the Twins!
A mear 30% would never scare me away!:eek: The only thing that would might be a bare backed indiginous dive bomber:D

That is untill I cut its air off:mean:

Chris...just close your eyes and no one will see ya leave!:wink:
We've had thunderstorms all day, resulting in about 4" pf rain. Hope tomorrow is dryer!
I drove in it all day up around your area but the only rain down here was this morn around 9am according to my wife .The Weather Mom.! And yes that`s what I call her.See ya`ll tomm.

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