RA - PNG or the Solomon Islands

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HI all,
My head is spinning trying to choose between RA, PNG or the solomon Islands this august.
I like the bigger stuff and big schools of fish. Has anyone dove all three ?
RA in August may be a problem for the bigger stuff. South RA is generally not dived in the June - October and I don't think the Manta's have returned to North RA at that time either. Diving in North RA would still be excellent but not for your 1st criteria.
Thanks. Have you dove the SI or PNG ? I'm looking for somoewhere with big stuff which is sharky too. Anywhere really. I don't really want to return to anywhere.
Dove all 3 areas mentioned. All are fantastic, world class areas for all around diving (but not for big stuff).
Solomon's - don't remember any sharks other than some juvenile White Tips under some table coral. Manta's seen at one famous site.
PNG - Eastern Fields on Golden Dawn saw many sharks, mainly silver tips but also Black Tips and White Tips. Kimbe Bay to Kaviegn on Febrina saw many of the same type sharks but mainly during the shark feeds.
RA - Occasional White Tips and Black Tips. Manta's at the famous Manta site.

If the big stuff is the goal, Palau and Yap have more readily available Shark's and Manta's. Malpelo, Coco, and Galapagos would be world class for Hammerheads, Sharks, Whale Sharks, Whales, etc.
I haven't been to Red Sea or French Polynesia so can't comment.

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