Quick Coz question

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Near St Louis Mo
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50 - 99
Do I need, or do I not need a passport to get to Cozumel now?
Can I still get by with my birth certificate?
DOCUMENTATION Proof of citizenship is essential! U.S. citizens must have one of the following:
* Valid passport. Expired passports are not acceptable.
* Certified government-issued birth certificate with raised seal, accompanied by photo ID.
* Naturalization documents accompanied by photo ID.

Minors under age 18 must travel with both parents, or with their notarized written consent (we will provide you with the appropriate form on request). Airline tickets and documents must be in the same name (or you must carry additional documentation to explain any discrepancy, such as a marriage certificate). Non-U.S./Canadian/Western European citizens may need a visa to enter Mexico. No vaccinations are required. PLEASE be sure that you are carrying correct documentation - you will not be able to board your airplane without it.

NOTE: passports will be required to visit Mexico as of Dec 31, 2007.

Hope this clears it up. By the way, its pretty easy and cheap to get one and alot less hassle going through customs.

Dave (aka "Squirt")
Thanks Dave,
I'll probably just go ahead and get a passport.
Been meaning to.

I am pretty sure the passport requirement starts Dec 31 2006 not 2007. I don't think the government has updated their website yet! I am going back in Feb and will ask the imigration agents.
For air or sea arrivals back to the US, you will need a passport after December 31, 2006. For land arrivals (driving over the border) from Canada and Mexico, the current date for mandatory passports (still subject to change due to politics) is December 31, 2007.

The 2005 date was abandoned when the US Government realized it wasn't prepared to process the number of passport applications which would flood in under such a short deadline.
Dave Zimmerly:
Minors under age 18 must travel with both parents, or with their notarized written consent (we will provide you with the appropriate form on request).

Dave (aka "Squirt")

Dave where did you get this statement... I am going with my kids in March, and am divorced from their mom (who won't be attending). Don't want to show up and then be sent home
I believe that as of November 05 you need a US passport to get back into the USA.

No. I don't have a passport (yet), and I went to and from Cozumel earlier this month with just ID and birth cert, no problem. I've seen conflicting info on exactly when a passport will be necessary, but to be safe I'll be getting mine before our next jaunt to Coz in May.
I've travelled to Mexico twice with my minor kids without my wife, and only in Cancun did they check to see if I had the notarized affidavit giving me permission to have them without her. At the Cozumel airport they didn't ask, nor even unfold the form that I gave to them.
I Googled "minor Mexico affidavit" and found this. Looks like the requirements are different if you're divorced than they are if you are still married...

When traveling with children (Citizens from USA and Canada), if your children are not included in your family passport, depending on your case you may need one of the following:

1. Affidavit of Sole Custody (in case of a divorced couple);
2. Affidavit of Parental Consent for Unaccompanied Minor (minor traveling alone without either parent); and
3. Affidavit for Other Parental Custody (minor traveling with only one parent, but parents still married).

I wouldn't risk it. Get it.

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